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Immigration/Migration/Refugee Support

Thurston County / Washington Based

Catholic Immigration Legal Services (CILS) is a Department of Justice recognized organization providing quality immigration legal services to low-income residents of Washington in King, Snohomish, Pierce, Skagit, Whatcom, San Juan, and Island counties. CILS provides direct representation legal services for a modest fee.
Services provided by CILS include:
Citizenship/naturalization (free citizenship legal services for those who qualify)
Adjustment of status (green cards)
Green card replacement or renewal
Family-based petitions
Consular processing
Petition to remove conditions
Fiancé visa
DACA renewal
Travel documents
Employment authorization
Humanitarian cases
Mock interview
Fee waivers
Resource and referral
Community outreach and education
Seattle Office: Catholic Immigration Legal Services 100 23rd Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98144-2302 Phone: (206) 328-6314
Mount Vernon Office: CCS Family Immigration 300 South First Street, Suite C, Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Phone: (360) 416-7095

CIELO’s mission is to promote community, self-sufficiency, and leadership of Latinx, Indigenous and Immigrant communities in the South Puget Sound.​​​
CIELO works in three main areas to support our community members: education, counseling, and advocacy. CIELO's education team leads classes for students of all ages and advocates for educational equity. Our client services team offers a path to healing for our community through mental health counseling and community advocacy.
Phone: (360) 709-0931 Email: Address: 1601 North Street SE, Olympia, WA 98501

Refugee & Immigrant Services Northwest is a refugee led, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural organization with a mission to empower refugees, immigrants and their families to become self-sufficient and healthy, contributing members of society.
With a core staff of 20 full-time and 137 on-call interpreters, fluent in 40 languages and dialects, RISNW accomplishes their mission by providing a comprehensive array of linguistically and culturally appropriate services, in addition to advocating for equitable funding and services for limited English speaking refugees and immigrants.
Phone: (425) 388-9307 Address: Everett Community College, Rainier Building / Room 228 (M/S 41) 2000 Tower Street, Everett, WA 98201

For over 40 years, our Multicultural Community Services (MCS) have partnered with communities throughout the Northwest to help more than 45,000 refugees feel at home. We help refugees secure homes and jobs, learn English, navigate educational and public systems, and build fulfilling connections. Refugees built America, and we honor and help them continue that tradition. Services provided include Reception and Placement support and Refugee Case Management Services.
Services available from two locations in south Puget Sound and Southwest Washington: Tacoma - First Lutheran Church 524 S “I” Street, Tacoma, WA 98405 253-507-4677
Vancouver - Lutheran Community Services Northwest 3600 Main Street, Suite 200, Vancouver, WA 98663 360-694-5624

Refugee Women’s Alliance (ReWA) is an award-winning, nationally recognized nonprofit that provides holistic services to help refugee and immigrant women and families thrive. ReWA provides the following 8 wraparound social services for every member of the family. These services, delivered in over 50 languages and dialects, are designed to make a long-lasting impact in participants lives and help them thrive in the Puget Sound community.
English Classes
Early Learning Center
Domestic Violence Support
Health & Well-being
Phone: (206) 721 0243 Email: Address: 4008 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way South, Seattle, WA 98108

Tacoma Community House is a nationally-respected, community-based service center for immigrants, refugees, and long-time South Sound residents seeking enrichment and pathways to self-sufficiency. For over 110 years, we have helped countless individuals gain the skills they need to transition out of poverty, navigate a new culture, and find personal and professional success.
Services include Immigration, Education, Employment, Victim Advocacy in addition to a youth site called the and program that provides Resources for Educational Advancement, Careers, and Housing for youth and young adults.
Phone: (253) 383-3951 Email: Address: 1314 South L Street, Tacoma, WA 98405
Office Hours Monday-Thursday: 8:00am - 3:30pm Friday: By appointment ONLY

The Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance is part of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, within the agency’s Economic Services Administration and Community Services Division. Our goal is to help refugee and immigrant families and individuals succeed and thrive in Washington state.
We have strong community partnerships and provide culturally appropriate services through contracts with community-based organizations, voluntary refugee resettlement agencies, local community colleges, and government agencies.
Explore Our Services:
Economic stability through support, education and training.
Basic Needs Assistance
Employment and Training
Health and Wellness
Immigration Assistance and Naturalization Services
Whole Family Services
Complete an application online to access services. Most benefits and services can be applied for online at . Additionally, you can visit your local . If you receive public benefits, ask your DSHS caseworker about ORIA services. DSHS has many other programs and services to help you. To learn more about DSHS services and how to apply for public benefits, click

WAISN is the largest immigrant-led coalition in Washington that convenes and cultivates a statewide transnational solidarity coalition to protect and advance the power and rights of all immigrant and refugee communities. We are a powerful, volunteer-driven network of immigrant and refugee-rights organizations and individuals distributed across the state that strives to protect, serve and strengthen communities. We work to provide support, capacity, and resources to organizations’ efforts to build power and a united voice statewide.
Phone: If you are contacting to report immigration activity, please call the WAISN Deportation Defense Hotline (Monday-Friday; 8am-6pm) at 1-844-724-3737. Email: Address: 2420 4th Ave S, PO Box #84043, Seattle, WA 98134-9998

National / International Resources

Harnessing the power of technology and collaboration to support immigrants and their allies.

The National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is one of the leading advocacy organizations in the U.S. dedicated to advancing and defending the rights and opportunities of low-income immigrants and their loved ones.

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