SEM/SED: Socially and Emotionally Maladjusted/Disturbed
DOB: Date of Birth
ShltH: Sheltered Homeless
DOL: Department of Licensing
SPMI: Severe and Persistent Mental Illness
DSHS: Department of Social and Health Services
SSI: Social Security Income
DX: Diagnosis
SSDI: Social Security Disability Insurance
EN: Essential Needs
SSN: Social Security Number
ES: Emergency Shelter
St. Vinnies/ St.Vicks: Saint Vincent De Paul's
St Mikes: Saint Michael Parish
ESL: English as a Second Language
SUD: Substance use disorder
ETOH: Alcohol
SUDP/T: Substance Use Disorder Professional/ Trainee
FF: Flexible Funding
SUDT: Substance use disorder treatment
FSC Family Support Center
Sx: Symptom
FUNC-ILLT: Functional Illiterate
TH: Transitional Housing
GA General Assistance
UnshltH: Unsheltered Homeless
HATC: Housing Authority Thurston County
OUGM: Olympia Union Mission Gospel
HMIS: Homeless Management Information System
VM: Voice mail or Voice message
HP: Homelessness Prevention
W/: With
Hx or h/o: History (or) history of
W/d: Withdrawal
HUD: Department of Housing and Urban Development
W/o: Without
IDU : Intravenous drug use
IRH: Imminent Risk of Homelessness
LL: Landlord
LD : Learning Disability
LM: Limited Mobility
MAT : Medication Assisted Treatment
MH : Mental Health
MI :Mental Illness
Defined Terms
Restorative Experience for a Safe Transition (REST): Also known as “medical respite” is a framework for offering wraparound aftercare and bed rest for individuals who would otherwise be discharged to the street with no aftercare support or resources. Sub-program within IWHS Navigation Team.
Hazardous Weather Task Force (HWTF): A team of representatives from area service providers that meet regularly to plan and operate hazardous weather response as it pertains to the safety of individuals experiencing homelessness. See also: Code red, code blue, day center
Revised Code of Washington (RCW): Compilation of all permanent laws now in force within Washington State. Collection of Session Laws enacted by Legislature and signed by the governor or enacted via the initiative process, arranged by topic, with associated amendments and repeal laws removed.
Fentanyl: A powerful synthetic pain killer used for high level pain management. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl has become popular among opiate users due to its potency and comparatively low price versus other opiates/opioids. AKA “Fetty” See also: Narcan, follies
Name-by-Name: Weekly meeting held by a coalition of area providers to determine bed placements for individuals experiencing homelessness through the Coordinated Entry system. See also: Coordinated Entry, HEAT
Narcan/Naloxone: Intervention medication used to interrupt opiate/opioid overdose (opiate antagonist). See also: CPR
Designated Crisis Responder (DCR): Mental health Professionals designated to respond and assess individuals who are in active crisis or suffering from acute mental health challenges and may pose a danger to themselves or others. DCRs are able to enact an Involuntary Treatment Act (ITA) based on assessment.
Day Center: A facility designed with the intention of offering basic needs resources and/or respite from the weather. Typical services include hygiene, device charging and access to higher level resources such as mental health treatment or wound care clinics.
Community Care Center (CCC): Former day center and resource hub operated by IWHS between 2018-2020 in partnership with Providence Medical in downtown Olympia.
Crisis Response Unit (CRU): City of Olympia entity designed as a non-violent alternative police intervention/response for individuals experiencing crisis or acute mental health challenges.
Code Red: Shorthand term used for the declaration of sustained and potentially life threatening hot weather. Code red is determined by the HWTF and temporarily provides expanded funding to operate emergency sheltering throughout Thurston County. See also: HWTF, Day center
Code Blue: Shorthand term used for the declaration of sustained and potentially life threatening cold weather. Code blue is determined by the HWTF and temporarily provides expanded funding to operate emergency sheltering throughout Thurston
Automated Electronic Defibrillator (AED): portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses the life-threatening
, the application of electricity which stops the arrhythmia, allowing the heart to re-establish an effective rhythm
Adult Protective Services (APS): State agency responsible for fielding and investigating instances abandonment, abuse, neglect, exploitation or self neglect of a vulnerable adult as defined by
. APS also serves as a resource and advocate for the safety and comfort of vulnerable adults.
Coordinated Entry (CE): The system by which people are at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness are referred to various shelters in Thurston county. Referrals to specific shelters are determined by demographic information as reported by the individual. See also: Name-by-name, HEAT, HMIS