is a process developed to ensure that all people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access to resources and that they are quickly identified, assessed for, and referred and/or connected to housing assistance based on their strengths and needs.
CE Locations Flyer.pdf
428.1 kB
Final CE Flyer Feb 2024.pdf
295.7 kB
Eligibility - The Thurston County Coordinated Entry system serves Thurston County residents experiencing literal homelessness. Literal homelessness is defined as follows:
Living and sleeping outside
Sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation
Staying in a shelter
Fleeing/attempting to flee domestic violence
Exiting an institution (jail, mental health facility….where you resided for up to 90 days and were in a shelter or a place not meant for human habitation immediately prior to entering that institution.
How It Works - If you meet the eligibility requirements and are in need of housing services, please contact the appropriate coordinated entry provider below to schedule an intake appointment. Completing the CE intake appointment will allow for the household to be added to the master list for a referral to continuous-stay shelters and housing programs as those resources become available.
*Please note that intake appointments are not designed for immediate shelter or housing placements. Emergency and night-by-night shelters operate on a first-come first-serve basis and do not require a referral from CE.
Below is a list of the main Coordinated Entry providers in Thurston County. You can make a CE appointment by calling providers or the Thurston County Housing and Shelter Hotline. Thank you!
Please call the Thurston County Housing and Shelter Hotline 1-844-628-7343
Coordinated Entry Provider for families with at least one child under the age of 18, pregnant, or fleeing/attempting to flee DV, single adults or couples without children under the age 18: