A meeting is an important part of every organization. It is a place to exchange information, discuss and solve problems as well as review the performance of the organization.
However, meetings usually consume a lot of time without the desired results, leading to bad feelings of most of the participants.
As a leader, you want to run an effective meeting, but you don't know exactly which methodology or process to use. Our Weekly Meetings can help you become a meeting master.
Start a Weekly Meeting
From Left Menu Side Bar, choose Meetings → Start Meeting
1. Good News: 5 minutes
At the beginning of the meeting, let each person share one good personal news and one good news about his/her work.
2. Scorecard Review: 5 minutes
Evaluate important measurables (5-15 measurables) to monitor the performance of the whole Company (or Department – depending on the level of the meeting). If the numbers do not meet the target, you can create its issues which will be then discussed in the Issue Solving section.
3. Rocks Review: 5 minutes
Review the progress of Rocks (List of Quarterly Priorities). If it is delayed or slow, you can create its issues which will be then discussed in the Issue Solving section.
4. Headlines: 5 minutes
Share weekly news (both good and bad news) of employees and customers. Concerned Issues will be then discussed in the Issue Solving section.
5. Evaluate To-do List: 5 minutes
Take a quick look at the To-Do List from the previous meetings to check whether they have done or not (90% is still NOT DONE). Once a To-Do has been done, cross it out. If the task is not done and has problems, keep it on the list and create an issue to discuss in the Issue Solving section.
Accountability for each team member will be formed by building the To-Do List, and their performance will be assessed in the following week.
6. Issue Solving: 60 minutes
At this stage, you have an Issue List already, including: Remaining issues from last week's meetings, new issues added from the above sections. The host will then ask people if they would like to add anything to discuss.
The host then quickly recommends in 30 seconds the top 3 most important issues and edits them according to everyone's comments.
Now, let's focus on solving each problem according to the Identify - Discuss - Solve (Issue Solving) principle as follows:
+ Identify: Identify the essence of the problem, find the real cause.
+ Discuss: Discuss to come up with solutions to achieve great benefits for the organization (avoid blaming, personal attacks, or deviating discussion which does not lead to any specific solution).
+ Solve: Come up with the best solution that might include a set of To-Do’s or just one To-Do.
When time is up, leave the rest for next week. If there is still time after finishing discussion of the top 3 initial important problems, go next to 3 important problems and solve them sequentially as above steps.
7. Conclude: 5 minute
Consisting of 3 small parts:
+ Recapping To-Do List: Check to make sure that everyone understands their duties.
+ Cascading Messages: Discuss what messages need to be announced among the employees who are not in this meeting? (Email/Video/Meet face-to-face…).
+ Evaluating Meeting Quality (Rating 1-10): Each member rates the effectiveness of the meeting from 1 to 10.
Finally, before finishing the meeting, do not untick the two boxes at the end of the page.
Apply this process the right way and you will be surprised at how effective it is.
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