Who knows Joe?
Behind the scenes


Template Table
Template Name
Email Template
Hi {1},
I have a candidate who is interviewing at {2} and I’m hoping that you’ll have some insights for us.
The candidate's name is {3}. It looks like you overlapped with {4} at {5} {6}. {7}
Do you remember {8}? Please let me know, OK? 👍
Slack Template
Hi {1},
I have a candidate who is interviewing at {2} and I’m hoping that you’ll have some insights for us.
The candidate's name is *{3}*. It looks like you overlapped with {4} at *{5}* {6}. {7}
Do you remember {8}? Please let me know, OK? :thumbsup:
H3 centered


Sample Template
Hi {1},
I have a candidate who is interviewing at {2} and I’m hoping that you’ll have some insights for us.
The candidate's name is {3}. It looks like you overlapped with {4} at {5} {6}. {7}
Do you remember {8}? Please let me know, OK? 👍
Sample Tamplate Sig
Hi {1},
I have a candidate who is interviewing at {2} and I’m hoping that you’ll have some insights for us.
The candidate's name is {3}. It looks like you overlapped with {4} at {5} {6}. {7}
Do you remember {8}? Please let me know, OK? 👍
Continue to Step 3

Congratulations! The following {1} know {2}...

Continue to Who’s Studied

🚨 Sorry, nobody has overlapped with {1} 🚨





Employee match
Plain Text
There are no rows in this table

Congratulations! The following Bobbie know ...

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