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Research Sources Log

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As a student, I know how intimidating the process of conducting a literature review can be. That’s why I’ve designed this Literature Review Template - to help you sail smoothly through this essential stage of your research. Starting here, with the Research Sources Log, you’ll embark on an organized path, tracking your sources, summarizing key findings, and assessing their relevance to your project. The AI integrations will be your co-pilot, making this journey even more efficient!

How to Get Started

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How to Use the Template

Start here, with the Research Sources Log. Input the details of each source you find. The AI will help generate summaries and keywords.
On the Summarizing Key Findings page, jot down crucial points from your sources. The AI will help with summarization.
Evaluate the importance of each source on the Analysis & Relevance page. The AI will guide your analysis.
Remember, this template is flexible and can adapt to your unique research needs. So, feel free to tweak it!

Starting with Research Sources Log

Welcome to the first pit-stop - the Research Sources Log. This is where you’ll catalogue all your research sources. Just input the necessary details for each source in the table below, and let the AI assist you with a quick, coherent summary.

It’s okay if you don’t fill out all of the fields. The more fields filled out, the more accurate the analysis.

Author(s) Name: add the name(s) of the author(s) of the source.
Title: add the title of the source.
Year: add the year of publication.
Source: add the name of the publication or website where the source is from.
Link to the Source: add the URL for online sources.
File: Upload the source file if they have it.
Source Type: select the type of the source (e.g., "Journal Article," "Book," "Website," "Report").
Keywords: add relevant keywords or phrases.
Brief Description: write a quick summary of the source's main argument or topic.
Access Date: add the date they accessed the source.
AI Generated Summary: This would be an AI Column that generates a brief summary of the source.

Hint: To view a bigger view of the field. Click on the field and click on the “” icon.

Some like it hot: testosterone predicts laboratory eating behavior of spicy food
Laurent Bègue, Véronique Bricout , Jordane Boudesseul , Rébecca Shankland, Aaron A Duke
Some like it hot: testosterone predicts laboratory eating behavior of spicy food
Laurent Bègue, Véronique Bricout , Jordane Boudesseul , Rébecca Shankland, Aaron A Duke
Generate Summary
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National Library of Medicine
Link to Source
Source Type
Journal Article
Capsaicin; Eating behavior; Testosterone
Access Date
Brief Description
In the present study, we analyzed the relationship between eating behavior of spicy food and endogenous testosterone. Participants included 114 males between the ages of 18 and 44 recruited from the community. They were asked to indicate their preferences regarding spicy food and were then asked to season a sample of mashed potatoes with pepper sauce and salt (control substance) prior to evaluating the spiciness of the meal. A positive correlation was observed between endogenous salivary testosterone and the quantity of hot sauce individuals voluntarily and spontaneously consumed with a meal served as part of a laboratory task. In contrast, significant correlations were not observed between testosterone and behavioral preference for salty foods. This study suggests that behavioral preference for spicy food among men is related to endogenous testosterone levels.
AI Generated Summary
This study investigated the prevalence of periodontal disease among 470 Italian adolescents and found that 21.7% of adolescents had periodontal disease. This was higher than thecontrol group. The study also identified variables that increased the risk of periodontal disease in adolescents such as poor oral hygiene habits, smoking, and diabetes. These findings suggest that preventive measures to reduce the risk of periodontal disease should target adolescents who have certain risk factors.


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