Registration of New Staff

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TCE Expectation

The purpose of this document is to layout the overview of the focus and commitment of the organisation "The Caffeine Experience"
Last edited 267 days ago by Justus Kelvin Yeow

1. Character Growth

Importance of character growth is vital to the stability of any organization. In such an organisation, people will work towards a common goal supporting each other and helping each other.
Definition of desired character traits. Have these in abundance and your success is inevitable.
How character growth contributes to personal and professional development
Strategies for fostering character growth:
Encouraging self-reflection and self-improvement
Providing mentorship and guidance
Promoting a positive work environment

2. Commitment to Company

Significance of commitment to the organization's mission and values
Expectations for demonstrating commitment:
Punctuality and attendance
Meeting deadlines and delivering quality work
Going above and beyond job requirements

Methods for fostering commitment:

Clearly communicating the organization's mission and values
Recognising and rewarding employees who demonstrate commitment
Providing opportunities for professional growth and advancement

Level 1 | Come & See

This is the curiosity level. At this stage, interaction is light and easy. When people are here, look for chemistry and faithfulness.

Level 2 | Come & Follow

Some form of commitment is needed. The person at this stage is ready to be challenged. Look for hunger and teachability.

Level 3 | Come & Surrender

This step is only appropriate after deep relationship and mutual trust have developed. Look for initiative and determination.

Level 4 | Come & Multiply

Here, let's reproduce our values and principles to others. Look for leadership and people skills.

3. Connection to Colleagues

Importance of building strong relationships with colleagues
Benefits of a supportive and collaborative work environment
Never make assumptions and above all
Never Gossip!

Strategies for fostering connection

Encouraging open communication and active listening
Organising team-building activities and events
Promoting a culture of inclusivity and respect

How to speak

Speaking is the key to communication. No one can guess what you think or feel without you first expressing it through words. If one does not know how to communicate, there is a certainty that will end up arguing or feeling misunderstood. To solve this, one needs to attempt to communicate daily. A bit at a time if it may.

Key 1 | Simplify the message.

Speak forthrightly, clearly and simply. No one should guess what you meant with what you say.

Key 2 | See the person.

Empathise with others and knowing them. This always helps connecting with your audience.

Key 3 | Show the truth.

Demonstrate credibility with passion and life. Do live what you say.

Key 4 | Seek the response.

Always speak with a purpose. Finally urging others to take the next step.

Leaders communicate

To be a leader, one surely must be a master in communication. Without this skill, one will tend to miscommunicate, argue and tend not to have the ability to lead the team as a united people. The good news about this is that it can be learned.

Point 1 | Speak with Revelation

To communicate ideas that contains divine revelation and insight that the people lack.

Point 2 | Speak with Inspiration

To inspire others to move and overcome their fears. To help them step out of their comfort zone.

Point 3 | Speak with exhortation

To encourage others to act and follow your action. This is done without forcing or coercing.

Point 4 | Speak with affirmation

Learn to speak with affirmation to support and endorse others publicly.

Point 5 | Speak with information

Speak with good content. Learn to edify others and teach others. A great speaker seldom focus on himself.

Point 6 | Speak with declaration

Give clear direction to the people. Provide the hope that their need for their future.

4. Competence in Task Assigned

- There is great significance of being competent in assigned tasks. To be competent means that one can get the task done with ease. It does not happen overnight. It takes time to develop. sometime, months and sometime, years. There is no shortcuts to this.
- Importance of continuous learning and improvement is the key to continuous competence. One can never finish learning about a topic or subject. Even after one feels that one have mastered over the task, one can learn managing the task and further going in depth to study the task. Continue to learn and continue to improve. Such is the mindset of a successful person.
- Strategies for developing competence:
- Providing comprehensive training and onboarding programs
- Offering opportunities for skill development and further education
- Encouraging feedback and constructive criticism

5. Commitment

By signing below, I affirm my commitment to this covenant and my desire to contribute to the mission and values of "The Caffeine Experience."

Signature: ______________________

Date: ___________________________

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