Registration of New Staff

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TCE Covenant

As a member of "The Caffeine Experience," I commit to the following covenant with God and my fellow members:
Last edited 344 days ago by Matthew Poh

Membership Covenant - The Caffeine Experience

1. Relationship with God:

I acknowledge that there is a God and He is the God of Abraham, Issac & Jacob and I commit to cultivating a personal relationship with Him. I will seek to honour God in all aspects of my work, relying on His guidance and wisdom as I serve in this social enterprise.

2. Mission and Values:

I embrace and support the mission and values of "The Caffeine Experience." I will actively contribute to the vision of creating a positive impact in the coffee industry, promoting fair trade practices, sustainability, and ethical sourcing.

3. Excellence in Service:

I commit to providing excellent service to our customers and colleagues, ensuring that their experience at our cafes is welcoming, enjoyable, and memorable. I will strive to exceed their expectations, consistently delivering high-quality products and maintaining a clean and inviting environment.

4. Teamwork and Collaboration:

I will actively participate in a spirit of teamwork and collaboration, valuing the contributions and perspectives of my fellow team members. I will seek to build a supportive and inclusive community within "The Caffeine Experience," fostering an environment of trust, respect, and unity.

5. Personal Growth and Development:

I will pursue personal growth and development, seeking opportunities to enhance my skills and knowledge in the coffee industry. I will be open to learning from others, embracing feedback and constructive criticism, and continually striving to improve my performance.

6. Stewardship:

I will steward the resources entrusted to me by "The Caffeine Experience" with integrity and responsibility. I will handle financial transactions honestly and transparently, ensuring that resources are used wisely and in alignment with the organization's mission and values.

7. Faith Integration:

I will actively seek to integrate my faith into my work at "The Caffeine Experience," recognising that my actions and attitudes can be a testimony to God's love and grace. I will be intentional in sharing my faith when appropriate, respecting the diverse beliefs and backgrounds of our customers and team members.

8. Community Engagement:

I will actively engage with the local community, seeking opportunities to serve and make a positive impact beyond the walls of our cafes. I will support initiatives that address social and environmental issues, partnering with like-minded organisations to bring about positive change.

9. Confirmation

By signing below, I affirm my commitment to this covenant and my desire to contribute to the mission and values of "The Caffeine Experience."

Signature: ______________________

Date: ___________________________

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