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Before You Apply

Intro to Our Product


Hiring Process

Intro Call 30m
Design Intro Call 45-60m
Portfolio Review 1h 45m
Live Design Exercise (we don’t believe in homework) 1h 30m & Engineering/Product Calls 15-30m calls
References & One-on-One Calls with Teammates varies but typically 3x 15-60m calls


Figma for most things
Figjam for workshops and definition
Notion for documentation
Hotjar for session replay
Ballpark for testing
Heap for analytics
Storybook to understand the code side of our design system
JIRA to project manage and collaborate with engineering


How does Design contribute to core business goals?

We’re a very design-led company, from defining product roadmaps with design visions to an overall company focus on high quality customer experience (one of our company values is “”). Within Design, we rely heavily on being outcome-driven to measure what success looks like for every given project. Depending on the project, we’re focused on broader adoption, engagement, and retention metrics to more specific metrics like reducing the time to schedule a 1:1 interview call or increasing transcript views.

How does your team work with product?

We work extremely close with our product partners and we believe in a healthy tension between product designers and product managers challenging each other to do their best work. When the roles overlap with mutual respect, that’s where the 🪄magic happens. For more specific responsibility breakdown, we’re big fans of .

What are your team rituals?

Our primary schedule:
We also have:
Design Leader Office Hours every Monday afternoon as available time to pair through work.
Learning Lessons are during the last Wind Down of the month where an individual teaches the rest of team something.
Quarterly Design Team Retros help the team share what’s working and not working about our practice as well as be a good time to shoutout teammates.
Quarterly Performance Review is a key part of our company culture of constant feedback for growth.
Annual Product Vision, we work with our tech partners to conceptualize where our product can go in the next year or two.

How does your team stay connected when working remotely?

Our rituals are a critical component as we meet at least once a day as a Design Team
Especially our Weekly Syncs and Weekly Wind Downs we have some fun activities or open discussion.
Lots of Slack messages and videos explaining design updates. Plus our Design Team specific channels - #design-team, #design-feedback, #design-learning
Pairing is a really important part of our process too, which is good one-on-one time with another designer.
We have quarter customer research trips where a cross-functional group of teammates go visit our customers in-person. It’s often a great time to connect with your co-workers.
We’re currently developing a program for us to get the team together in-person a couple times a year.

What type of music does your team listen to?

Where can we learn more about your team?

The best place is our , especially our . Also, check out our for more on each designer!

How do we contact you?

You can or send an email to any of us, which you can find on the .

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