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Token Rain + Bankless

Token Rain

Generated 1 billion Unitokens in September 2020
21,51%(215 million UNI) to team members
17,80% (178 million UNI) to investors
60% (600 million UNI) to users(Uniswap Community Members)
15% to users, provided liquidity/ swapped with Uniswap until the 1. September 2020
Every address, which interacted with the UniSwap Contract gets 400 UNI Token
43% will be distributed through promotions, community-initiatives, liquidity-mining and other programs
2% → yearly inflation
Generated a smart contract for the tokens not being moved for the next 4 years
Could be relevant for this case as well?
They currently not have a token
Insights from Optimism Discord
On Kovan(Testnet)

Bankless Podcast

ROLLUP: 3rd Week of May(Dip Week, The Rise of Polygon, Elon Crypto, Coinbase Outage, China)
Uniswap v3
Already 2nd largest decentralized exchange
AMM (Decentralized Exchange Aggregator) on Polygon
Feels like a centralized exchange
Adding liquidity to Polygon
Still relatively new
Decent liquidity
“Swiss army knife of L2”
Political & Social alignment to Ethereum
SushiSwap deployed on Polygon

Coinbase Outage
Browser extension
Launchpad for ICOs
Ebay NFTs
When users pressed withdraw usdc they got btc
Will get rolled back
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