Airtable Alternative

icon picker
Product Distribution(WIP)

Unsorted List of different ways

Open Source + Good Code → Hope to get a lot of developer engagement
Pre Sales → (
Lifetime Deals via. App Sumo
Lukas: App Sumo has good Community +.nice that they do a lot of distributions (ads) for you
Building on Top of/integrate early on Plattform
Potentially could work
Maybe one can build this MS team-first like mooncamp does (but they did it on top):
No obvious use case
Engage in all kinds of Forums and communities, be helpful to related problems and promote your tool pre-launch as a better future solution with an email signup on your website (Source: Zapier Indiehacker podcast)
Don’t focus on the distribution of the general tool early on, but build mini-apps with the tool that copy successful products and offer them much cheaper, e.g. make a light versions of things like that one: → this would be sort of “commoditize software development” also a bit like the rocket internet approach to just copy successful ideas and execute them better (in that case cheaper)

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