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NoCode Monitoring tools

Have an understanding of available No Code monitoring tools that exist out there in the market

We have automated some of our process (or process) parts in the past (e.g. Airtable tracking, request handling etc.). And plan is to intensive the automation of formerly manual processes.
Consequently it will become more and more important to have some kind of monitoring tool or dashboard on our NoCode / Automation solutions.

To make it more tangible:
When an automation fails due to reason X this needs to be visible via the dashboard
Bonus: Have an overview on which automations are in place, which tools are used and how do the processes look like (all visible from within the Monitoring Tool)

- Research No Code Monitoring Tools
- Research how others cover this monitoring need for the automations they have in place
- Document your findings here in Coda
Important Note: Please time cap your research work and don’t spend too much time on it

as a base layer
integrated the Slack API within my application and created a backend workflow called slack-internal.
for monitoring applications uptime → can also be integrated into bubble
Subscribe to updates from the Bubble Status page →fed directly into a Slack channel.
User Interface monitoring
API Monitoring
Used that in my Bachelor thesis, very nice for checking if API calls come through
Automatically test all app’s API endpoints every day on a schedule.
Automated email telling if all API endpoints are working correctly, and how long they are taking to respond.
Report generation → Consolidate data across many web applications - output to spreadsheets & slides
Web Scraping → Extract data from public sites or from behind logins
Spreadsheet automation → Read/Write and merge data into spreadsheets
Data entry →Input data into any webform or web application
User interface automation → Interact with any web application, even legacy systems

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