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Nils notes on baserow test

“misc observations”: random stuff that I noticed during user testing and scrolling through code
“technical questions”: addressing the scope: no points from the
desired mvp specs

misc observations

uses mjml for reset password email, overengineered a bit, also says this himself
checkout `` for a nice description of all tooling that is used
django over fastapi?
django community is still bigger than fastapi
but: django was built to generate html, ... as the main thing, then with that tightly integrates API creation, DB access, ... -> we're probably looking into separating into a clean frontened for View and a clean backend for backend things
fastapi also generates OpenAPI specs by default, they use an additional tool (DRF spectacular) for that to work for django
experience is a bit weird, table _feels_ virtual, I get weird top and bottom artifacts (note emty rows, scrolling is a bit laggy with 1000 rows):
app is SSR, maybe part of problems one can see?
i don’t know why, but refresh forces logout?
relies heavily on scss - might be my inexperience with it, but it seems quite cumbersome, looking at the assice amount of scss files, that are also quite far from the templates that use them
some component are self defined, with logic, that probably should just be library imports, e.g., contains a nice show hide logic gem
in general it seems like there is really funky things going on, most of which I would at least call “special”:
heavy use of mixins
heavy use of filters
custom directives to prevent scrolling
custom tooltip/toast/... directives and components that seem very complex and questionable why self written,
(yes, this is also a vue template inside the codebase that has a copy and paste of all components, at least if the maintaner managed to keep it up to date), something one resorts to if they don’t know storybook
it seems that he has created the table himself!
Every type has its own template, or “View” as he calls it. They are in view/grid, e.g.: GridViewFieldNumber, GridViewFieldSelect, ...
also cannot find any “helpers” for that inside package.json...
if this is true, I think the development effort on an integrated table is unsustainable - counterpoint: Is a good table a “solved” problem?

technical questions:

how is user management implemented? → django + self
totally self implemented with deep integrations into django
e.g., during user creation:
In term invokes a core.user.handler.UserHandler to then
get a django UserModel via get_user_model
to then filter all users to check if email or username exists via django ORM style user access
to then create the user via some django functions (User constructor, set_password (which likely takes care of hashing, ...), .save)
seems a bit foolish to implement all this yourself, but we’ve done this ourself once as well: craft innovation + strapi
counterpoint: Is a single standing user management system a “solved” problem?
problems arising here: this deep integration makes it hard to modify the code substantially without working in the same django ecosystem (learning, understanding it, writing django)
how to change the landingpage/layout? → okayish
see bad practices section in `misc` above for a disclaimer, that said: should be possible, as it does not touch any deep logic/implementations
but, we will be forced heavily to stay within his implementations
how hard is it to add tags to this implementation? → hard
before starting this research, there was a clear answer in my mind: easily
now, not so much: To add tags, we’d have to adapt the backend plus the custom table implementation
the way that they have currently developed this, it is very hard to change this and make sure (without them looking at it), that it actually works
as a blueprint for just the cell frontend component we’d have to write (and then register in 3 central places, understand all the scss he’s written so far, ...) can be found here:, look at:
custom document.body event handlers
listening for keyCode 13 (enter), (note, that similar code is duplicated accross 7 different files, which makes the code un-maintainable in and of itself: what if we need to additionally check something else, e.g., we want to switch to Cmd + Enter? then all 7 places need to be changed, and then we need to check for Cmd and Ctrl, as we have windows and mac users)
opaque mixins
same and additional complexioty arises taking the backend into account
now the answer is: hard
global search/multi file upload → hard
see previous answer: as all of this is one custom implementation, it becomes pretty hard to understand where logic is spread, thus making this hard
user permissions on row/cell levels → easy with hack, hard to do it right
see above points on user management (for backend context) and “tags” implentation (for frontend context): we will have to deeply commit and understand to their implementation. Having row/cell based permissions working with the frontend will depend very much on how easy it is to adapt their individual cell implementations
here I see bigger questionmarks in the backend, the frontend could support an implementation where we ignore the UI (and UX?) by just adding a “block” to the centralized store, that stops a value update last second and gives the user a notification that they are not allowed to edit it
for the backend we would have to get into django though, as it stands between us, the database and the user management

Found a guide on how to implement your own field type:

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