Social Media Communities

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Don’t do product/sales pitches or market research
The Reddit community will notice this quite fast and your Karma will drop very fast
Choose the right Subreddits
if you dive into question-related subreddits you will get a good amount of replies in a short period of time
Keep an eye on the Subreddit’s rules
some subreddits may have different rules → if you don’t follow them, you will get kicked/banned
Joining takes time
To post into some subreddits you need to get accepted first → could last quiet long
most subreddits won’t accept young accounts(e.g. made a week before) to join
Choice of name
Use a random/fun name on reddit.


‘If you start by giving, the community is designed to reward you in return’
very hard to get answers without having an account with many followers
Find the right group to post in
Choice of name
most users are using their real name + profile picture here
you can attach your twitter account to it


very hard to get comments without having an account with many followers
Choice of name
if you are here for getting quality answers: use your real name here
if you are here for fun: use a random name

Hacker News

Choice of name
Use a random/fun name on Hacker News


Since there are just a few servers, that are not made for gaming/fun, it could be hard to find a server to get answers for your specific question
You will quite good answers, if you find a dedicated server
Choice of name
you can choose a completly random name here


You get productive answers
everybody wants to help each other
Choice of name
most of the guys are using their first name + something else

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.