Groundwork Validation

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Guiding Questions Structured Interview

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There are different phases in the customer discovery journey (for that we conduct different interviews, only once 1 phase is validated by a lot of people we can move on)
Phase 1: Figure out if there is actually a problem worth solving (in our case we have some hypotheses about shortcomings in Airtable but we need to hear from people without asking "Do you have the problem?")
Phase 2: Once we validated the problem, we need to figure out whether our solution fits the needs
More Phases later
Who to speak to?
Early on we should priorize people who we can easily speak to (peers etc.) so that we can just catch up and cassualy try to check the problem (obviously they should be somehow related to the segments where we suspect the problem)

In The Interview

Focus on Phase 1 for now
Start with Smalltalk and then go towards the topic, e.g. one can say that Airtable is frustrating and whether they have the same
Ask open questions where answers of the interview partner are based on facts rather than hypotheses
How do you use it
Walk me through your workflow
Tell me more about it
Never pitch your idea directly before getting all the insights on the status quo of the person regarding the current problem
Don't be hypothetical: "would you use XZ" or "would you pay for XY"
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