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Education Budgets

We need to understand what the state of Schulungs Budget/Education budget (or other wording) in Germany is:
“Eine gute Faustregel besagt, dass Unternehmen etwa 1 bis 5 % ihres Gesamtlohns für Schulungen aufwenden sollten, je nachdem, wie wichtig ihnen Fortbildungen im Unternehmen sind.”
Question that seem relevant (not exhaustive):
What can the budget be spend on in general? (will be different across companies but their might be best practices)? Just “weird” seminars or also more modern stuff like the Mediums (Online Video courses, E--Book/PDF, Paid Newsletter etc)
L&D training modality technologies

How high are the budgets? Does it differ across groups (e.g. IT people getting more, managers getting more etc.)
Average spend on workplace training per employee worldwide from 2008 to 2019 (worldwide) -
Yearly spend: $1300
Average cost of training per learner by business size →
How is it usually spend? e.g. 90% on Bildungsurlaub etc. I imagine that something like Coursera might be an early adaption of digital content for education budgets in Germany

Are their companies with digital content that are positioning them self for people looking to spend their education budget? What are those companies doing and how?
“Erwerben Sie online Kompetenzen mit Kursen, Zertifikaten und Abschlüssen von hochrangigen Universitäten und Unternehmen.”
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- Blue Ocean Brain

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