Deep Researches

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Developer Focused Ideas

Just one point to make it home: It seems logical that Sidestream brings out developer tools more than any other idea
Market is booming
We have the knowhow
With Lukas, Nils, Valia, Daniel + the whole dev team, we have actually a very broad and progressive variety of opinions on that subject.
We just need the right setup
Juice out Nils ideas
Juice out Valias ideas

Tuple Idea

General Stuff

Kennste das? Das ist so ne indie hacker app die mega abgeht
Low latency, low CPU usage, no annoying UI chrome. Because programmers deserve better than a generic screen sharing tool
Und der Aufhänger ist das hier:
Kenne ich nicht, aber ich muss sagen, dass ich seitdem ich von dem hier gehört habe: Normale video calls schon okay wären
Use Microsoft Live Share to collaborate with Visual Studio Code (17 kB)
Ja Der pitch von Tuple ist u.a. auch, dass engineers dadurch, dass es nice ist, mehr Pairing machen - was desirable ist und daher der benefit kommt.Vllt kann man mit dem Angle auch iwas anderes in den Markt bringen, was engineers dazu bringt mehr von irgendwas anderem zu machen, was auch desirable ist, (edited)
Relevant Actions:
Indie Hacker
One of the key learnings: Tuple just did this. Tuple was like, "We're just going to make what Screenhero was, but Screenhero's gone." And the opportunity has proven all the market risk was de-risked for them. I bet there are other opportunities like that to effectively, as soon as a bigger company bundles something, take that as an opportunity to immediately unbundle it.
Actions from that: Look for Dev Tools that were bundled through acquisitons
Who are the players that acquire such tools? Microsoft, Atlassion, Slack, Snowflake etc.
Look for acquisitions of those tools: Techcrunch keywords: acquire, acquisition, company name

Drone CI same story

The Art of Product Podcast:

The start of tuple is decsirbed in episode 39, (2nd half) - factors that led ben to start it:
Screenhero gone → a lot of folks ask online for an alternative that transfers only the pair programming image + voice with low latency
He messages screenhero founder (”buy hour of your time whatever it costs”) he encourages him in a talk to purse it, market is there
Has a suitable co-founder
New Technology from stanford research that might create even lower latency
Target groups that he knows and that will trust him

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