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Daniel's Notes on Airtable alternative

Last updated 7th February (got much more notes in obsidian, will structure asap)


See OKR 4
Not clear what exactly the product will be --> Some Airtable alternative
with greater user rights management
a better API
Bonus features that might become the differentiator (requires validation)
Privacy-oriented e.g. local first/self deployable etc.
Open Source (heavily tbd)
Bring Version Control to NoCode
Bring Automatic Testing to NoCode
Bring Action to an Airtable like log
Nils & Daniel both like the use case (for different reasons)
Nils: Wants to build a SaaS product + good if that can be used by developers + apply engineering practice
Daniel: Wants to solve his own problems + NoCode niche is fun + With this product DOESN'T have to settle on VC route or bootstrapping yet (as the market allows both)

Starting Position

Own problem: When automating our company Ops, Airtable was restrictive due to limited user rights
API is shit --> bad for developer use cases e.g. Nils + Forums
Got stuck when trying to hack the gempex project
General flaws of NoCode tools that also apply here:
Most have no Logs (ex ept e.g. Zapier)
All have no real Version control mechanism (like Git), at best they have version history/rollbacks

Identified and resolved strategic issues

Product Perspective

Good and bad things about Airtable
Good on mobile
Quick to build stuff
Make a product that is customizable for other devs through a rich selection of hooks (similar to Strapi)

Distribution Perspective

Airtable is the incumbent (I already ignore Google Sheet and Excel as they target different people, but perhaps one can even steal some of their users)


Airtable is quite "fame" focused, e.g. raised money to have unicorn status --> quite likely that they neglect some "harder" product opportunities
Their best enterprise accounts might generate ARR of >1M Dollar
Dynamics between having a generally applicable product and niche-specific distribution
Cannot build rather specific features in the general framework
Still have persona-specific distribution (landing pages, templates etc.)
Good collaborative feature was very tough to implement
Quite new, done by a single Dutch developer
Focuses on Open Source
Not clear how much revenue it makes
We can leverage their code for quick MVPs
Recommended in
Its founder says on hackernews:
I don't really feel this space is a player-takes-all market (see also nhost, graphile, subzero, amplify - all great products)
i.e. we want to build an Airtable-like interface for non-techies to use), and charge on that aspect.
There open-source put together stack is generally good
Postgres scalability seems to be common sense
Still quite new, but got funding and traction end of last year e.g. here:
Competes with Firebase free tier, which is hard according to them
Technical Evaluation with Nils
First impression: Light approach, do i find self-hosting (checked out pricing, only free ads stuff, therefore I thought it is open source startup, but there whole code is useless, unless you buy)
Then checked out github search "self hosting" - found some info there how to do it --> didnt work immediatly
Biggest problem: It forces you in a new ecosystem (as it tries to do a lot of things) --> same problem as with AWS, Google etc.
Nils wants a pick and choose solution: Spin up a postgres db in seconds (ideally with docker compose), start a backend with a rest api and let's go
Then configure e.g. writing only from outside
Interesting quote from a discussion on Hackernews
As an engineering manager, my concern with Supabase is the complexity of the systems involved. There's PostgREST (Haskell) and then a bunch of Elixir on top? Not only is that two services (plus the database) but they're in languages that aren't easy to hire for if I have to do maintenance or development. My preference (as an eng manager) would be to operate (and develop hooks for) a single generated server in Go, Java, or Python rather than manage a real BaaS. --> Nils agrees on the annoying lock in effect, but the implementation of the different components shouldnt matter too much
But if you want to make it customaziable Haskell is a bad choice and just use Python or Javascript (not saying this is necessary needed here)
--> Advertise with Speed, this is not the dimension we could compete with easily as it depends on the protocol (they seem to use sockets)
Speed not relevant for normal Dev use cases (like managed DB)
Requests Speed advantages relevant for e.g. high performance crawlers
Potential existing alternatives are e.g. Hasura

ProductIdea diagram


Learn from examples of bootstrapped vs. funded SaaS cases
Is the market too large for an indie hacker product?
Maybe it makes sense to start with a specialized airtable use case early on, but keeping in mind the general layer for later
Is it hard to compete with Airtables Free Tier?

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