Blockchain - Crypto

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Bank's Projects

Swedish Central Bank releasing its own digital currency called the e-krona
built already some Blockchain application for commerce and Finance
→ Financial blockchain platform
Raising Funds or Support a Cause
Support positive change projects and foster community development
Expand crowdsource fundraising globally
Support your families and friends with ease, wherever they may be
Send and Receive funds in multiple currencies
Cut out the middlemen and send money directly to any Babb user around the world.
No queues, no time wasters.
Micropayments made affordable
Embrace the future of finance
One place to store and manage all your digital funds.
Enhance security
Personal wallets using blockchain technology
Convert easily from one currency to another – say goodbye to the word ’remittance’
Ganz konkret wollen die Blockchain Experten der Commerzbank die Technologie für Trade-Finance-Lösungen nutzen, die neue FInanzierungs- und Risikoabsicherungsmöglichkeiten bieten. Dabei steht das Blockchainwissen natürlich nicht alleine: Auch Artificial Intelligente, 3D-Druck und andere Technologien werden berücksichtigt und sollen künftig die Bankgeschäfte für Kunden einfacher und schneller machen. Allerdings sind sich die Blockchain Experten auch einig: Das dauert noch ein paar Jahre.”

Problems of this research:

I could not really find “example-applications” that banks have already built. They are all claiming, they want to do sth with blockchain, but I experienced it to be hard to find anything concrete.
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