Work with the new user to populate their default region and search options
👋 Search Tips
Default L5-8 and L9 search structure
L9 searches have the following title options automatically appended to the string: intitle:director OR intitle:vice OR intitle:head OR intitle:vp OR intitle:avp OR intitle:svp OR intitle:leader
L5-8 searches have the following title options automatically appended to the string: -intitle:"analyst" -intitle:"operations" -intitle:"associate" -intitle:"intern" -intitle:"director" -intitle:"head" -intitle:"vp" -intitle:"vice"
Region options
There are 3 regions in the dropdown below to choose from: APAC, EMEA, and NORAM
The “AROUND” operator is very powerful. It is a “proximity” search operator and allows you to search for words or phrases with X number of words of one another. Remember to use the # column when using AROUND to set the distance.
Nesting (boolean strings w/n individual cells)
Please use nesting in the Keywords section but not in Title searches.
Search Strategies
The two main ways to search for candidates:
Company specific: set your options below and move through the company view(s) that meet your needs. Tl;DR searches, i.e. one or two title searches, are usually best because your results are naturally going to be smaller when searching on a company by company basis
Broad strokes: Executing L5-8, L9 and Diversity searches directly below ⬇️ will search your region for all candidates, regardless of company, depending on how you set up your search criteria
Logging Diversity
searches reveals female candidates. If you’re searching by company and they have a good female population please click
to add them to the Diverse Companies tab, allowing other users to benefit from your experience 🙌