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Choice to make

You can keep doing the same thing in the same way and hoping that something will change and everything will be resolved and St Marie will survive. That is very unlikely to happen. If doing business as it has been done would resolve these issues, wouldn’t they have resolved before now?
A little story from a well known management book.
Are you going to hem and haw? Are you going to complain about who moved your cheese?

The only other option is to do something different. You have to find a way to resolve these issues that is for the betterment of St Marie as a whole and improves the quality of life here and improves the property values. That is really the only way out of this pit that has been created.
You have two choices, be part of the problem or part of the solution. Which are you going to be?
We need leaders. We need volunteers. If you are alive and breathing and want to see St Marie not just survive but THRIVE, then step up.
You choose how to finish this sentence.

St Marie, because of YOU......

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