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Integrating With Other Tools

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Integrating With Other Tools

What is a Pack?

is an integration. It’s the way Coda connects with other pieces of software. By leveraging Coda integrations, you can provide your users with a powerful ecosystem of integrations that enhances their productivity, collaboration, and overall work experience. We have integrations for many of the tools your teams likely already uses - from Slack, to Jira, to Google Calendar and Gmail, and Salesforce.
As a org admin, you have the power to regulate how these integrations are used to protect your users and your company data. Instead of simply enabling/disabling integrations (which is possible — ), we recommend a granular approach so you can customize access to your specific security requirements. .

A quick note on compliance

Covered by everything that already makes Coda secure: SOC 2 Compliance, GDPR compliance, data encryption, data access controls, and more all come standard with Coda.
Just what you share, and no more: When a Pack is executed, it only receives the data that the user explicitly provided — e.g. formula parameters — and no other content from your doc.

Designed with security from the ground up

Restricted network requests: We ensure Packs only share data with the website they say they do. Some of our most popular Packs are integrations — connections to external data sources. Pack makers must declare which domains their Pack connects to, which we publish to users of the Pack in each Pack’s security tab, found on the Pack listing page. Coda enforces that Packs can only ever connect to these declared domains.
Locked-down authentication: We never let developers touch users’ login details. For Packs that require user authorization credentials, Coda handles credentials on behalf of the Pack, stores them encrypted at rest, and applies them to outgoing requests such that neither Pack code, Pack makers, nor other users of a doc ever have access to them.
Rigorous evaluation: Packs run in a dedicated, secure server. We execute Packs in a secure sandbox environment that isolates Pack executions from Coda’s broader infrastructure and data from other executions of Packs. The infrastructure receives an annual professional penetration test and receives constant evaluation via Coda’s .


Granular control gives you peace of mind while empowering your users

Only some users to have access to certain integrations
Only allow some functionality of the integration to be used by users
Only allow docs with certain integration data to be shared with just users that have access to the integration
Learn more 👇

FAQs for IT admins

Can a Pack maker access my credentials or data?
When I install a Pack, what exactly is it getting access to?
What is the difference between a shared and private account? How can I make sure my teammates can / can NOT take action through my log in?
What are Coda’s best practices for Pack security? Any tips on managing access to data via third party Pack accounts?

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