Coda elements
The elements

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Tables in Coda allow you to organize data in rows and columns.

Tables provide a structured way to store and analyze information — just like a table you'd find in a traditional document. In a Coda table, you can input text, numbers, dates, and even formulas to perform calculations. You can customize the table by adding or removing columns, sorting and filtering data, and applying formatting options.
Below is an example of a simple table in Coda.

One of the more “advanced” actions in Coda is to change the views of a table.

Table views act as different lenses through which you can look at your data.

Views allow you to customize the way your table is grouped, filtered, and sorted, without altering the underlying data. With table views, you can create multiple perspectives of your table, each with its own unique set of filters, sorts, and formatting options.
For example, you can create a view that shows only specific rows based on certain criteria or sorts the data in a particular order. Views help you focus on the specific information you need and provide a flexible way to analyze and visualize your data in different ways within the same dataset.

Active initiatives is a view of All initiatives.

Tables don’t always have to look like tables. You can transform them into cards...
Cards view of the same initiatives table.

...or focus in in a single row using a detail view.
Detail view of the initiatives table.

Tables in Coda provide a visual and organized way to work with data, making it easier to track, analyze, and collaborate on information within your documents.

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