Coda elements
The elements

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Folders are where you store and organize assets

In our analogy, this would be our “hanging file folders”.
Folders help you keep related stuff together, like documents and tables. Folders make it easy to find what you need and keep things organized. You can create folders, rename them, move items between folders, and share folders with others for collaborative work. Folders in Coda provide a convenient way to manage and access personal and company documents efficiently.

An example of Coda’s folder hierarchy.

Folder permissions in Coda determine levels of access to personal and company docs.
You can set different levels of access for individuals or teams, providing specific permissions such as view-only, editing, or managing. View-only permission allows users to see the contents but not make any changes. Editing permission allows users to view the content of the folder and modify docs that appropriately permissioned for the user. Managing permission grants full control over the folder, including the ability to add or remove members and adjust permissions.
Folder permissions in Coda help you keep the party under control, making sure the right people have the right access to your folders!

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