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About us

Passionate about automation, believers of the power of humans

A word from Adrian, our founder


Our mission

We unlock productivity

for remote &

async teams

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Learn more!

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Meet the team!

Adrian Albus
☀️ Growth @airbnb
🌛 Cofounder @opsmateco
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Husband, Dad to Baker & Archie!
🏀 @celtics
🏈 @huskerfbnation
💻 Future of Work #remote #async
Get to know him better

Rachel Nazhand
📊 4x Startup Operator
🎯 SaaS Executive
🎤 Public Speaker
👩🏼‍💻 BizOps & RevOps Evangelist
Get to know her better

Sami Abid
📣 Digital
📚 MKTStrategist
🌐 B2B Lead
💎 Inbound MKT
👨‍💻 Tech Industry
Get to know him better

Amari Smothers
👩‍💼 Business Transformation
🎯 Management consulting
💰 Venture capital
👩🏼‍💻 Sales Executive
Get to know her better

Word on the street

(Organic content marketing. Pending for Adrian’s clarification.

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