General issues related to business, law, and climate change.
Free Market Capitalism Is the Best Economic System yet Discovered
How Do You Feel about the First Amendment of the US Constitution the Right to Free Speech
Given the Choice between Having Billionaires Pay X More in Taxes or Spend X More on Philanthropy That They Direct Which Do You Think Would Be Better for the World?
How Do You Feel about Nuclear Power?
How Do You Feel about Geoengineering That Is Deliberately Altering the Earth S Climate to Improve It or Mitigate Climate Change?
Do Most Tech Millionaires and Billionaires Deserve Their Wealth?
On a Scale Of 1-10. How Much Do You Trust Government All Branches State and Federal to Do the Right Thing?
In Your Estimation What Fraction of All Businesses in Existence Are Net Good for the World?
On a Scale Of 1-10. How Much Do You Trust Government All Branches State and Federal to Do the Right Thing?