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GitHub Projects to Learn

Visualisation with AI

Portofolio Maker

Build and Deploy an Amazing 3D Developer Portfolio in React with Three.js
Let's build a cool 3D website together! You'll learn how to make a portfolio with fun interactive parts, like a floating island and a fox that moves when you type. It'll allow you to show off your skills and get a job! 🌟 Become a top 1% Next.js 14 developer in only one course: https://jsmastery.pro/next14 🚀 Land your dream programming job in 6 months: https://jsmastery.pro/masterclass 📙 Three.js Guide - https://resource.jsmastery.pro/threejs-cheatsheet ⭐ Special Black Friday Hosting Deal: https://hostinger.com/mastery10 Use the code JAVASCRIPTMASTERY to save up to 91% on all yearly hosting plans. 📚 Materials/References: GitHub Code (give it a star ⭐): https://github.com/adrianhajdin/3D_portfolio GitHub Gist (code): https://gist.github.com/adrianhajdin/7bc0603ee0b1bd2872b80a62c24b5e5f Models & Assets (public folder): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TACDN8qFpi_NW66I4p48R9_MUmx-JT3P 📩 Emilian's work: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@the_rings_of_saturn LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilian-kasemi 💻 Join our Discord Community - https://discord.gg/n6EdbFJ 🐦 Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jsmasterypro 🖼️ Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/javascriptmastery 💼 Business Inquiries: contact@jsmastery.pro Time Stamps 👇 00:00:00 - Intro 00:06:35 - Setup 00:18:58 - Navbar 00:25:17 - HomePage 00:36:05 - Island 00:48:26 - Sky 00:50:42 - Rotation, Bird & Plane 01:27:19 - Popups 01:36:40 - Contact 01:44:14 - Email.JS 01:54:11 - Fox 02:08:04 - Alert 02:13:34 - About Page 02:30:32 - CTA 02:32:44 - Fix Plane and Keyboard handle 02:34:58 - Projects Page 02:44:35 - Adding Sound 02:50:24 - Deployment

Logic Operation

1. Bitwise OR (`|`)

Rule: The resulting bit is `1` if at least one of the corresponding bits is `1`. Examples: - `0 | 0 = 0` - `0 | 1 = 1` - `1 | 0 = 1` - `1 | 1 = 1`

2. Bitwise XOR (`^`)

Rule: The resulting bit is `1` if the corresponding bits are different, and `0` if they are the same. Examples: - `0 ^ 0 = 0` - `0 ^ 1 = 1` - `1 ^ 0 = 1` - `1 ^ 1 = 0`

3. Bitwise AND (`&`)

Rule: The resulting bit is `1` only if both corresponding bits are `1`. Examples: - `0 & 0 = 0` - `0 & 1 = 0` - `1 & 0 = 0` - `1 & 1 = 1`

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