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Threads 2024-25

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Collecting Donations


Set up a Campaign Page

Start by going to .
Select “Start Fundraising”.
Login or create an account by entering your name, username, and password.
You will be directed to a page to choose your participant type, select “individual fundraiser”.
Enter details about your personal fundraising page, including your fundraising goal
You will be asked for your personal information including mailing address and phone number
Then complete your registration!
Once you login to your page, you will be able to edit your photo, display name, goal, fundraiser name, and more by clicking on the “settings” tab, or by clicking the small pencil icon that appears in different places on the page.

Share your Campaign Link

Share your personalized campaign page out with friends, family, and community members! We recommend creating a QR code for your page and printing it out to have on site at the event.
Everyone who wants to purchase an item at the sale can make their donation directly on your campaign page and 100% of their donation will go to fund IJM’s most urgent needs!

Handling Cash Donations

While we prefer to keep all donations in the online campaign, if needed below are some ways that you can donate cash/check donations to IJM.
You may mail cash or checks directly to IJM at the below address. Please be sure to include a note in your envelope: who the donations are coming from, what your name is, what the name of your campaign is, and the date.
International Justice Mission
PO Box 96961
Washington, DC 20090-6961
Any other questions please email our team at


Please review the most up-to-date guidelines on collecting donations in the . We have copied relevant sections below:

“Kindful”-ly set up your chapter’s donation page

Open . This is the main campaign page for all IJM chapters. If you scroll down, you can view each chapter’s donation page (“Simple Charity — General” is an example page). Donations made in each chapter’s donation page will total in the main campaign page so we can track our progress towards our goal of raising $100,000 to fight poverty and injustice in Jesus’ name!
*Note: Donors must donate via a chapter’s fundraising page in order for it to count towards the $100k goal tracker. Donations made via the green “Donate Now” button on this page below will be directed straight to IJM without be credited to our chapters’ goal.
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Click “Create A Team.” Follow the steps to create an account in Kindful.
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Confirm your new account via email. If you did not receive an email, click “Didn’t receive confirmation instructions?” seen in the image in the previous step.
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Sign into your new account at
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Go to “Causes” in the left menu bar.
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Click “Details” under International Justice Mission.
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Now you can create your team! Click “Create A Team” and follow the prompts.
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Click “Continue.”
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The default goal is set to $3,000 for each chapter, but you can adjust your goal for the year as needed. Set your Team Name as “IJM [Your College]” and feel free to leave the default mission statement and team description as is or update them if you’d like. Leave the last box blank.
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Now add some design to your page! You can change your Theme Color to your school color or one you like. Set your Team Profile Image as your school’s logo or mascot. Lastly, set your Feature Image as a picture of your chapter! It’s great to see the people of your chapter :)
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All finished! There’s no need to invite team members to your page for now, but click “View Your Page” to see how you like it!
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If you want to make edits to your chapter’s page, you can do so here. Share the link to your chapter’s page by clicking “Public Page” and copying the URL. You’ll now see your chapter’s page added to the bottom of the main campaign page!
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Save the link to your chapter’s Public Page and share it with your chapter! You can always access your chapter’s donation page by going to the main campaign page at . If you want to make edits to your chapter’s page down the road, sign back into Kindful
and make the edits under “Causes.”
That’s it! Go get it! Let’s raise $100,000 to fight poverty and injustice in Jesus’ name this year!

Best practices

To collect donations, it is recommended to have one or two “checkout” people with tablets or laptops. On the laptop, pull up your chapter’s campaign page on Kindful. Calculate the total price for the items purchased, and then process the payment on the donation webpage. You will have to enter students’ credit card information manually.

Venmo Use Policy (as of January 1, 2024)

If your chapter would like to use Venmo to facilitate fundraising, you are required to work in accordance with the following policy:
Who: Only the chapter president may use their Venmo account for a chapter’s fundraiser.
How: At least 48 hours before the start of the fundraiser and after the end of the fundraiser, the president should:
Change the Venmo account’s name to their IJM chapter’s name
Change the account profile picture to an IJM logo
Empty their Venmo account of funds by transferring funds to an existing bank account
Unlink their bank account
Temporarily change the password and share it with Simple Charity staff at
Simple Charity staff will confirm that the Venmo account is set up properly before the beginning of the fundraiser and email the president that the chapter may proceed with Venmo as a donation method for the fundraiser. The chapter may then use the Venmo account to receive funds throughout the fundraiser appropriately.
After the conclusion of the fundraiser: The president should notify Simple Charity via email that the fundraiser has concluded. Simple Charity will then download a CSV statement from the month of the fundraiser and transfer the funds to Simple Charity’s Venmo account. This CSV statement will be shared with IJM and the funds will be marked as a restricted gift to IJM to be granted at the end of the quarter.
Simple Charity will notify the president when this step has been completed so that the president may revert their account settings to personal settings. The president waives their right to privacy for their past Venmo transactions, and Simple Charity promises confidentiality of Venmo transactions including the downloading of only the appropriate CSV and removing transactions not related to the fundraiser before reporting to IJM.
Remember: The chapter can then enter the total amount raised in Venmo as a pledge in Kindful to track their progress!
Documentation: The chapter should add this policy as a provision in their chapter constitution. Chapters should send Simple Charity a copy of their updated chapter constitution to to gain permission to use Venmo for IJM-related fundraising.
The following chapters have been approved to use Venmo for fundraising: Samford University, Wake Forest University.

Handling cash donations

If your campus has student organization policies regarding cash donations, please follow those carefully (e.g. using a locked cash box for fundraising events). In some cases, you may deposit cash donations into a school’s student organization account or bank account and then send the funds to IJM digitally or by mailing in a check. Remember to track those donations as a pledges in Kindful as well. Otherwise, you may also mail cash directly to IJM by following the instructions under “Mailing in check donations.”
If you have specific questions, please email .
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