Best practices on editing and writing your formulas
Whenever you open the normal formula-editor in Coda, it defaults to a small window in which you can edit your formulas as shown on the right.
For the majority of the formulas you write, this small window will suffice. But as you grow in your Coda Expertise the formulas you write will become longer and longer.
As you find yourself writing longer formulas there are two things about the formula editor that will be your friend:
Expanded formula editor
Expanded Formula Editor
To access the expanded formula editor, hit the expand arrows in the screenshot below
Long formulas can become unwieldy and hard to read. Formatted formulas are both easier to read and therefore easier to de-bug and fix. Auto format your formulas using the Auto-format button as shown in the screenshot below
Press this auto-format button and turn your formulas into this →
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