Take Home Exercises for Hiring
Take Home Exercises

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Exercise Examples

Below are a few exercise prompt examples for product marketing roles.

Exercise prompt A

Create a Product Launch Plan.
Description: Ask the candidate to create a product launch plan for a hypothetical product. Provide them with a brief description of the product, its target audience, and the competitive landscape. Request a comprehensive plan that includes market research, messaging and positioning, go-to-market strategy, promotional tactics, and a timeline for launch activities.

Purpose: This exercise assesses the candidate's strategic thinking, market analysis skills, and ability to develop and execute a product launch strategy, which are critical aspects of a Product Marketing Manager's role.


Exercise prompt B

Customer Persona Development.
Description: Provide the candidate with a set of data and customer information related to a specific product or market segment. Ask them to create detailed customer personas, including demographic information, pain points, goals, and buying behaviors.

Purpose: This exercise evaluates the candidate's ability to understand and segment target audiences effectively, a fundamental skill in product marketing. It also assesses their ability to empathize with customers and tailor marketing strategies accordingly.


Exercise prompt C

Competitive Analysis and Differentiation.
Description: Provide the candidate with information about a competitive product or solution in the same market as the company's product. Ask them to conduct a competitive analysis, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Additionally, request a plan for how the company's product can differentiate itself in the market.

Purpose: This exercise assesses the candidate's analytical skills in evaluating competitors and identifying opportunities for differentiation. Product Marketing Managers must be adept at positioning their product against competitors effectively.
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