Interview Guide Template

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Tips & Check List

There is a lot that goes into an interview, and we are so excited that you’re taking the time to meet with the team here! Below are some resources and things that might help with your preparation.

A few things to check off the list in preparation! ✅

You have a quiet space, and reliable wifi for the interview.
(A noisy cafe might not be the best choice in this case.)
Check that you have your interview schedule & zoom links
(If you need to present on zoom, you will have to grant browser permission to record in order to screen share.)
Add additional items that you want your candidates to keep in mind

What to do if.. 🤔

What If
I can’t make my interview
Reach out to the recruiting coordinator that scheduled you know! Keep the team posted on best days/time to reschedule.
I can’t connect to Zoom
Troubleshoot if you can:
Check that you have the correct Zoom link
Restart Zoom
If the audio is not working, try to call into Zoom using Zoom's phone feature instead of internet audio
If it's still not working out, reach out to the recruiting coordinator to figure out a solve!
My interviewer isn’t on the zoom call
Give your interviewer 5 mins, they might be running late from another meeting that ran over
Reach out to the recruiting coordinator and let them know, they can quickly reach out to the interviewer
Add additional items that you’ve seen occur during interviews!
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Learn More about the Company! 🔍

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Insert any additional links or posts that are relevant
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