We are in the process of scoping activity required for building a web/mobile app for recruiting new applicants to The Data School.
The app will have functionality to:
Create new applications
Provide feedback to applicants on their application status via a chat function
Track applications through all stages of the recruitment process
Provide a rubric for coaches to rate applications during all stages
Contain all details necessary for recruitment from application to letter of offer
Project requirements
Your team is required to:
Design and prototype the database that will be used to manage the various functions as described in the background.
Create a basic business process diagram to show the stages of activity required for front-end developers using basic BPM notation.
Create a detailed ERD (entity relationship diagram) that will be used to create the database. The ERD should include relevant attributes such as field names, data types and lengths, primary and foreign keys, constraints.
Generate fake data for the various tables and populate them in the Data School Sandpit SQL server.
Create a sample dashboard that you would propose could be used to analyse usage and engagement on the mobile app.
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