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Agile flow management

A Flow Management Template

Conceptual framework

This template uses the concepts of two amazing books
Also, it has ideas from this amazing template:

First: What is flowing in your system?

The best way to track your progress is by identifying the items that flow in your system. For example, in a car factory, the items that flow are cars. You can have different models (categories), but they must flow through your system to get them done.
The items must acomplish the , they should be Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive, that means that an item can fall only to one category (mutually exclusive) and every item must be in a given category.
If we keep the cars example, the categories are all the possible models your factory can make. All the possible values are the representation of “collective exhaustive”. Here you can have “SUV”, “Sedan”, “Hatchback”, “Pick Up”, “Coupé”.
If you are making a “Coupé”, this car cannot be a “Pick Up”. So one item can only belong to one category, or is “mutually exclusive”.

The key indicators for the system

Filter by value stream:

Flow load

items in
Web development
Video creation
Blog writing
Data Science
Data management
Community management
Work proposals


The flow velocity represents the amount of tasks you can complete in a given timeframe


The flow time represents how quickly the items flow through the system.
You should try to make the time of every flow item equal. For example, if “Feature” takes more time than “Defect”, you can decompose your features in more atomic tasks, like “user stories”.

Flow efficency

Active time % for flow time
Waiting time % for flow time
Active time % for lead time
Waiting time % for lead time

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