The SAVVI Information Governance Framework

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Special Category or Criminal Offence Data

Determine if the data fits the definitions of
Special Category
Criminal Offence

See the ICO guidance at
Special Category Data
The UK GDPR defines special category data as:
personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin;
personal data revealing political opinions;
personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs;
personal data revealing trade union membership;
genetic data;
biometric data (where used for identification purposes);
data concerning health;
data concerning a person’s sex life; and
data concerning a person’s sexual orientation.
… you can only process special category data if you can meet one of the specific conditions in Article 9 of the UK GDPR. You need to consider the purposes of your processing and identify which of these conditions are relevant.
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Criminal Offence Data

This covers a wide range of information about offenders or suspected offenders in the context of:
criminal activity;
investigations; and
It includes not just data which is obviously about a specific criminal conviction or trial, but may also include personal data about:
unproven allegations; and
• information relating to the absence of convictions.
It also covers a wide range of related security measures, including
personal data about penalties;
conditions or restrictions placed on an individual as part of the criminal justice process; or
civil measures which may lead to a criminal penalty if not adhered to.
It does not cover information about other individuals, including victims and witnesses of crime. However, information about victims and witnesses is likely to be sensitive, and controllers should take particular care when processing it.
… you can only process criminal offence data if the processing is either:
authorised by domestic law. This means you need to meet one of the of the DPA 2018.
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Determine if the data reveals Special Category or relates to Criminal Offence Data

Read the ICO guidance and decide if the data reveals Special Category or Criminal Offence Information


Cater for Special Category Information

If the data fits the definition of Special Category Information, read the ICO guidance to determine of any of the specific conditions in Article 9 of the UK GDPR, and/or schedule 1 of the Data Protection Act 2018 are met.


Cater for Criminal Offence Information

If the data fits the definition of Criminal Offence Information, read the ICO guidance to determine
if the organisation has official authority, or
if you have a specific condition for processing criminal offence data

Official Authority?
Types of Organisations which are official authorities are listed in .

A part of a local authority performing a particular law enforcement function, such as
youth offending team
food standards
may be included, but in general a Local Authority is not a law enforcement Competent Authority.
Conditions for processing Criminal Offence Data
If the Organisation is not a 'official authority', you can check if the Purpose meets one of the conditions laid out in which allows the processing.

Note the condition, and justify why using this data for the Purpose is necessary.


Policy Documents

Read the ICO to determine if an ‘’ needs to be in place.

also defines the circumstances where 'Additional Safeguards' are required, such as encryption, retention, erasure.

Organisations may choose to contain the Appropriate Policy Document and Additional Safeguards in a single general Data Protection Policy.


No Lawful Basis?

If the data fits the definitions of
Special Category
Criminal Offence
data, but the extra conditions cannot be met, the data processing cannot continue.

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