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Build a Data Flow Map

A Data Flow Map, sets out where Risk Factor data can be drawn from.
For each Risk Factor, the map will show
if a source for the data is known
the Source Organisation which controls the data
the Information Type from which the Risk Factor can be derived
if data sharing/reuse has been agreed in principle for the new Vulnerability Purpose
if data is accessible in practice
The SAVVI Concept Model defines ‘Information Type’ as
Information Type
A generic description of a dataset that one or many organisations may hold, collected for a single PURPOSE.
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Examples of Information Type might be
A&E records
Health Visitor
Police reports
School Attendance
Council Tax
Universal Credits
This approach
avoids introducing the names of local computer systems
allows the original Purpose of the data collection to be recorded
The SAVVI Concept Model defines ‘Data Product’ as
Data Product
A facility that provides controlled access to one or more ATTRIBUTEs.
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At best, the Source Organisation will have designed a Data Product to meet the requirements of the Lead Organisation, and so they will have applied a transformation from an operational dataset, into a smaller set of ATTRIBUTES.
However, it is also likely that a Source Organisation will just provide a cut of their data so that the Lead Organisation has to apply a transformation so that it can be used by the Risk Policy. Either way, SAVVI calls this a Data Product, in line with the theory of a .



Build the Data Flow Map

For each combination of Source-Organisation/Information Type,
list the Risk Factors
progress towards agreement to reuse data for this Purpose
accessibility of data

using the SAVVI Data Flow Map.
Yes and No.png

Consider Which Risk Factors are likely to be available

Risk Factors can be used where
lawful, ethical, transparent re-use of the data has been agreed
the data can be provided

From the Data Flow Map, consider which Risk Factors are likely to become available for this Purpose in a reasonable timescale.

Redraft the Risk Model Based on the likely availability of data

Where Risk Factors have been removed, redraft the Risk Model and ensure that it is still effective.

Return to

Not Enough Data for the Risk Model!

If the revised Risk Model, taking account of the reduced availability of data, is now not effective, the initiative should not attempt to build a cohort, but instead focus on unblocking legal and technical access to data.

Unblock Access to Risk Factors

List those Risk Factors that are not available, due to legal, or technical reasons, and feed them into the IMPROVE phase where further actions can take place to unblock access.
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