Honey from my Syntropic Masterclass Learning Journey

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Week 7

Syntropic Masterclass, July 12th 2022


Synergistic Accounting

We need to bring capitalism to sleep (), while building a new system (Midwifing Syntropic Future).
If nature isn’t the center of the new system, then what is?
Understanding etymology and source of words: What is the source identity of economy and currency? And is the pattern integrity of these words still alive?
Economy - Care of the home
Currency - A condition of flowing
An economy is the sum of our relationships.
Because of bad design of the original there is bureaucracy and red tapes.
Transforming how we think about wealth and value:
Need to acknowledge all of life has intrinsic value.
enable sovereign choices for humans
Real wealth is syntropic: progressive Mastery of Matter by Mind acting synergistically.
The meta-physical world is syntropic: Laughter brings more laughter, love brings more love, generosity brings more generosity; wisdom, knowledge, caring - they don’t have a limit on their ability to grow and spread. 💞
Synergistic Accounting uses all principles: polarity, precession, pattern integrity, synergy.
Synergistic Accounting ensures we account for multiple inputs of value and multiple outputs of value.
Synergistic Accounting enables humans to participate in their wholeness towards a purpose.

Synergistic Auditing

aka all-in-accounting audit gives choice to people; opt-in opportunities
Sharing and witnessing synergistic audits in group is powerful; step towards changing our relationship with value.
Auditing means Hearing.

Allowing us to have a mutable choice from a sovereign place. Learn where we have scarcity and/or abundance - individually and as a collective.
Learning how to ask; name needs, wants, wishes, and manage expectations.
We need to be mindful to not be reflexive about putting $$ value to value input and output, because it degrades us as humans.
How do we honor someone’s presence without putting dollars against it? We simply need to name it, and celebrate it. 💞
Ongoing conversations to have to allow healthy living system to breath:
Income, Equity, Control, Power, Enough.

Complementary Currencies

Mono-currency does not survive; just like Mono-culture in nature doesn’t survive.
Distinction between Yin and Yang currencies; inspired by Bernard Lietaer, a Jungian Analyst (see Favorite Resources) who implemented complementary currency in order to change human behavior through aligned incentives.
Our world operates on a sovereign (state), yang based currency. Looking at Pattern Integrity of yang currency; we can see fundamental design features:
centrally created
created in scarcity
it adds value when hoarded or accumulated
It is missing its partner; a complimentary yin currency. Unity is plural at a minimum of two! - see honey from .
Yin currencies are designed in abundance, they need to flow to become more valuable, and are created de-centrally.
There can be learnt a lot from bitcoin, since it was created as a yin currency. However it’s source idea evolved into a yang currency.
To understand a currency use, we need to understand the architecture behind it.
Need at least two things to build a complementary currency; unmet need and unused resource aka output and input in Synergistic Audit.


Favorite Resources


Beautiful wisdom by Bernard Lietaer
Beautiful wisdom by R. Buckminster Fuller

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