Honey from my Syntropic Masterclass Learning Journey

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Week 6

Syntropic Masterclass, July 5th 2022


The 7th Step of 7 step process - Speak the Truth with Compassion

When we hold our pattern integrity, and don’t give space for ego, there is space for synchronicity and for kairos time doing her magic
After 6 step self-inquiry, the 7th step is inquiry with the other person; offer an invitation for conversation. They can say No, and we have to accept that.
When I care enough about another person, I can see that they are in pattern loop that isn’t serving them. Understanding that in my heart helps me to engage from a place of compassion, kindness, and sense-fullness.
I want people to hold me accountable for staying in my pattern integrity.
Communication is a transmission. It needs to be clear. Yes means Yes. No means No.
Freedom is having the choice to respond to a certain situation in line with my pattern integrity.
We barely think about the precessional effect. Every thought, feeling, act has a precessional effect.
Demonstrating can be an invitation for practicing.

Conversation for Understanding

2 Rules
Rule 1️⃣: intention is to understand a world view/point of view (can be of individual, organization, group, community).
The gift to be understood is one of the most generous gifts we can receive. ~ Christine McDougall
Rule 2️⃣: only ask questions.
Paraphrase back until everyone in conversation feels understood. Take new understanding and process the learning.

Managing Expectations

As someone who consciously practices gratitude Kath does feel a high energy; gratefulness and happiness when her expectations are being met.
After sharing my perception with Justin, they shared from their learning experience, and stimulated a new understanding for Kath:
“Energized Neutral” is the state of being grounded to the earth, open to the radiant energies above, and allowing these energies to energize your inner landscape and truth cord. You are emotionally neutral and engaged with curiosity,compassion, and true interest for what you will discover. ~ Langston Kahn
If you are frustrated with a situation or person, what did you expect? Even unconscious expectations, or expectations you haven’t named.
To name expectations, ask future based questions:
How will you know ...? (e.g. this was a good space, journey, this has value in 6 months time, ...?)
What does the other side look like? (Brené Brown)
The ability to name expectations without expectations; expectations are no demands.

Entry Points for Conversations

The conversation is the relationship. ~ David Whyte
Investing in our relationships is:
asking what people expect, naming what you expect, hold space to talk about our mutual expectations
conversations for understanding
talking about precessional affects
agreeing on purpose we hold together in relationship
Relational Tetrahedron to show invisible relational bond; sacred space.
Speaking and collaborating without ambiguity builds incredibly powerful relationships.
We need nuances of language in our conversations; e.g power: power can be motivation, generation, domination, authority (authorship).
From the land of Polarity:
Power without resistance doesn’t exist.
Syntropy without entropy doesn’t exist.
Good without bad doesn’t exist.

Resilience and Efficiency - Window of Viability

Next week: Synergistic Auditing! 🤓💞

Favorite Resources

Second Study Group

Fri, Jul 8, 2022
In this week’s exploration I shared about the moment my source idea - PlanetHive - arrived. It was a moment of mundane kitchen cleaning, and laughing out loud for several minutes to release all the emotional energy that came with this epiphany. 🥲💚
Our discourse around wisdom keepers opened a self-inquiry for me to understand my relationship with the role of wisdom keepers, and other ways of knowing of All Life...I am curious to see where this inquiry leads me.

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