Honey from my Syntropic Masterclass Learning Journey

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Week 4

Syntropic Masterclass, June 21st 2022


Spiral Dynamics

to navigate complexity and many different perspectives.
The higher up you move, the more you can integrate complex perspectives.
A higher stage of development doesn’t mean you are superior. That is colonial thinking and it isn’t about righteousness.
A Steward Leader in ‘Green’ who can’t step into their authority and accept the need for rules, protocols and containers will create an entropic environment.
The Why behind what we are doing can often show which development stage we are in.
A healthy individual has a combination of all stages and needs to be able to manage all stages.
Synergy is egocentric. Hierarchy is ethnocentric.

Clean Communication

a must have, non-negotiable, grounded in Trust Manifesto (syntropic.world)

We need to create spaces for everyone to clean their charge; with tools, training, consulting.
To clean the charge we need to do our inner work and/or go back to the person involved.
It only takes one person to understand and initiate the process. You must be completely committed to understand the world view of the other.
In most communities there is a toxic swirl of unaddressed charges. Most of us aren’t trained to recognize charges, even to clear these charges.
If there is a collective agreement of clean communications then it is a practice.
The ability to clean our charges is the greatest power of our life.

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