OmniHarmonic Ventures - A Samara Sanctuary Studio

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Tuq'tuquilal - An OmniHarmonic Venture

Venture Context
Located in Lanquin, Guatemala, on stolen ancestral land of the (Ke-ek-chee) Maya People, Tuq’tuquilal Centro de Regeneración (Regenerative Impact Center) is a thriving living, learning, and healing center practicing regenerative techniques, technologies, and ways of living to empower and inspire local communities and visitors, and to nourish the bodies, hearts, and souls of its collaborators and customers. Tuq’tuquilal (tuuk-tuuk-iyl-lahl) is a Q’eqchi’ word best translated into English as ‘harmony’.
After centuries of colonial violence and theft, including against indigenous communities in the territory as recently as 1983, the Qe’qchi People remain resilient, proud, and firmly rooted in deep ecological and cosmological relationships with the region’s rich natural life.
However, generations of extraction and trauma have taken an undeniable toll on the land and its peoples. Industrial commodity agriculture has deforested much of the region’s tropical forests, leaving dead soil and economically dependent communities who have lost the wisdom of their ancestor’s sustainable and extremely productive cultivation practices. Guatemala, particularly indigenous populations, presents extreme poverty, economic and social inequality, gender and sexual violence, and rampant malnutrition.
Amidst this dark history and challenging present, Tuq’tuquilal offers an economically empowered gathering space for healing and regeneration. The Center’s relationships of deep trust, economic exchange, and co-education with a network of ~70 Q’eqchi’ family cacao growers is the confluence of the Center’s rich flows of financial, natural, social, and spiritual capital. By marrying the cultivation, purchase, processing, and sales of highest quality, regeneratively sourced organic cacao and value-added products with educational spaces of personal, cultural, and ecological healing for its family network and international visitors, Tuq’tuquilal has created a unique, impactful, and resilient business model.
As a venture, Tuq’tuquilal is sprouting in the local-global context of our rapidly transforming civilization facing climate chaos, economic and geopolitical fragility, exponential technology innovation, and metastasizing socio-cultural-spiritual disconnection, disease, and conflict. Participating consciously in this transformation, Tuq’tuquilal is growing extraordinarily valuable offerings of earthen abundance and sacred shelter that can welcome, weave, and fortify a local, territorial, and global network of indigenous wisdom-keepers, heart-led regenerative entrepreneurs, influential cultural creatives, and community healer-educators.
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