Kath's Syntropic Kweendom

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Syntropic Storytelling

A girl was born: Syntropic Storytelling came to me in form of a story ‘The Girl that has no Name’ during my Rites of Passage South Walk along the Grace Stream in the Ōrongorongo Valley, as part of the Frontiers program with We Are Open Circle.

The Girl that has No Name

A girl goes into The Great Forest. A girl is being welcomed by her brothers and sisters, trees with the name miro birds with the name miromiro birds with the name kereru trees with the name rimu.
A girl knows she belongs. A girl takes off all her armor. A girl is naked with her heart on her sleeves. A girl carries a dragon tattoo on her heart.
A girl walks deeper into the forest. A girl follows the sound of the water. The flowing water remembers the girl. The girl remembers the flowing water. The girl and the water met before. In a different season, with a different wind, same naked water, not naked girl. Now all is here!
The naked girl shares gratitude with the water as their pathways fork. The naked water seeks the great ocean. The naked girl seeks the ridge of the great forest. The girl feels the wind blowing from the West. The girl feels infinite rain drops soft as ocean spray on her skin.
The girl is greeted by silence on top of the ridge. The girl feels close to father sky like never before. The girl listens to her brothers the trees. The girl hears the west wind calling. The girl dances with her brothers the trees. The girl mourns for the trees that cannot dance. The girl dances with them in her heart. The girl descents from the ridge with gratitude for this dance in silence.
The girl seeks the water before she leaves the wilderness. The girl listens the wisdom of water singing mystical song lines when dancing over stones. The girl sits with the stones in deep honor of gravity. The girl admires the water to always find its pathway. The girl is in awe and wonder of the laws of nature.
The girl meets her brother kereru on her way out of the great forest. They bid farewell in deep honor of their kinship.
The girl leaves her armor behind. The girl knows she belongs. The girl that is naked. The girl that has no name.

The Girl has a Name

The first in the lineage of archetype practices calling PlanetHive her home.
She was born on August 10th, 2022 at 4:11pm in Te-Whanganui-A-Tara Wellington Aotearoa New Zealand.
On the lands of Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika. I wish to acknowledge them as tangata whenua, the people of the land.
Her Human Design Birth Chart says she is a Projector. She needs to wait for an invitation to play.
She has the most glorious Gene Keys Profile, her vocation is my life’s work, which is Gene Key 22 ‘Grace’.

@Syntropic Storytelling
in the Glossary for Syntrepreneurship
Elements of a Syntropic Story:
Multi voice, can be even contradicting (see Māori Myth)
Multi-lingual to decentre English
Multi-dimensional to speak to heart, head, hands and soul
Arts to surface the invisible and speak to the realms where words aren’t sufficient enough
High frequency words with a very visual, lively, active and poetic language
Avoid passive language
use verbs instead of nouns
Play with many describing adjectives
Through meaningful metaphors rooted in nature and culture knowledge transmission connects abstract knowledge and concrete application (see Sand Talk by Tyson Yunkaporta)

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