Manual of We in Trust

Stating our Mission(s)

This page is documenting some content and some of the process of defining Samara Trust’s Mission.
Study Hall - Friday 15 July, 2022:
Curated Clip:
Initial Anonymous Written Responses (nothing ‘complete’):
- Samara Trust’s Mission is to provide and steward regenerative public goods that support the learning of individuals and organizations attempting to collaborate and exchange from heart-centered, anti-rivalrous, and sovereign intent.
- Samara Trust’s mission is to operate heart-centered protocols that facilitate and actualize missions from across the Field of Samara.
- Exploring 1st hand and experiencing what could/can be brought/created for mass humanity to implement and work with as a guiding heart based source.
- Samara Trust's mission is to establish the first heART Source Library through a facilitative infrastructure of information technology that records, resources and recognizes ecosystem prosperity for the public good.
- Samara Trust, the heART Source Library, provides learning spaces and stories to aspiring heart-centered beings who strive to be in service of all life during collapse and post collapse. Learning in Samara Trust is peer-2-peer and seeks to bring forth our cultural and economic conscious evolution.
- To center on heart-based technologies in order to develop a just, harmonic resource library that can support regenerative projects of any kind and their members.
- To Steward Deep Learning Spaces and Places;
Through Convening and mediation where appropriate
Physically & Locally (with a fundamentally Global connectivity embedded by design)
Expansion and scale through Embodiment.
More Complete Responses, by Author (still not ‘complete’):
Trent: Samara Trust’s mission is to operate heart-centered protocols that facilitate and actualize missions from across the Field of Samara.
Tyler: Samara Trust’s Mission is to provide and steward regenerative public goods that support the learning of individuals and organizations attempting to collaborate and exchange from heart-centered, anti-rivalrous, and sovereign intent.
Kath: Samara Trust, the heArt Source Library, provides learning spaces and stories to aspiring heart-centered beings who strive to be in service of all life during collapse and post collapse. Learning in Samara trust is peer-2-peer and seeks to bring forth our cultural and economic conscious evolution.

Samara is helping form and build the scaffold of and for the new world birthing.
Mission: exploring 1st hand and experiencing what could/can be brought/created for mass humanity to implement and work with as a guiding heart based source.
Samara Trust is on a Mission - a mission to establish the first Institution in the field of Samara. The Samara Field is a unique field that emanates a consonance between people learning and living from the heart through their work. A Field of Regenerative Rebels and Renaissers.
Samara Trust is the heART Source Library of Samara. It is a public good that records, resources, and recognizes the diversity of people, purposes, practices, protocols, and projects in the spirit of Prosperity. Prosperity is embedded and emanated throughout the ecosystem by Samara Trust's facilitative infrastructure of information technology
Samara Trust's mission is to establish the first heART Source Library through a facilitative infrastructure of information technology that records, resources and recognizes ecosystem prosperity for the public good.

Vision: Find the right true and beautiful way of living and relating that helps turn around current destructive / violent human behavior and relationships.
Mission: To center on heart-based technologies in order to develop a just, harmonic resource library that can support regenerative projects of any kind, and their members.
Through this mission, projects, organizations, and individuals can learn, request support from, and contribute to the collective resource library. Highest ethical and justice values are maintained throughout the web of connections, relationships, and for the support provided from Samara Trust. This requires cycles of reviewing and formulating objectives, responses, and short-term planning in an ongoing basis.

- Samara Trust Vision:
Diversified 'Heaven on Earth', Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, Socially, Structurally, Environmentally, Globally.
What this looks like as a now-time-projected-static-image for Dzava:
Global regeneration camps and campuses where Interested ecstatic learners have the freedom to visit and live, and from where they can thrive, both in solitude and independence and communally on any given. Majority of Kronological time in a day open to connect globally and develop a personal venture and self-care balanced with some commitment to an HR or two (optionally more) of communal/eco-regeneration contribution time. Various viable means to contribute proportionally from venture income, savings or other earnings to support any fiat function of the site. Learners are free to arrive and leave with booking + notice and to negotiate changes in these agreements via communally acceptable boundaries. Younger sites host camps of moving buildings where every salient human activity directly connects to regenerating soil and the ecology (cooking, heating, 'waste' water, manure etc. Etc. Older sites (further in Syntropic sequence) have static, landscape-embedded spaces.
Specifically designed physically, logistically, materially, socially and schedule-wise to enable and allow both community engagement and individual space and solitude with equal ease and flexibility and little to no drag on operations :
Samara Trust Mission:
To Steward Deep Learning Spaces and Places;
- Facilitatively
- Through Convening and mediation where appropriate
- Physically & Locally (with a fundamentally Global connectivity embedded by design)
- Expansion and scale through Embodiment.
- Primary communication via embodiment using multi-media, channel and dimension synthesized communication which stretches the capacity of current linear limits.
- To design and allow for the Synthesis and Balancing of Kairos and Kronos, and the four quadrants of perception and more, exemplifying A trinity of qualities;
Efficient operations, clear agreements and truth-to-action, detail oriented relating with 'follow-through'.
Creativity, spontaneity, space creation, yielding, transforming, trusting in intuition and open to opportunity.
Balance modes and dimensions of operation within a context of awareness based change;
Acceptance and an attitude of transformative healing towards the current dominant societal narrative, 'his-story', norms, rules, conflicts and opportunities; consciously intergrating a broad view of the current age within known and relevant ancestry, linguistics, geodesy, numeny and originy to the furthest expanse possible in each discipline; aiming to grow contextual and relational adaptability.

Observations on Stating and Stated Mission(s) in Anchoring Call 2022/7/18
Daya: On Friday I felt we’re all saying same thing in own unique fractal that we are. Reading it again feels the same. At their best, they’re <100 words. All we need to do is condense.
Trent: Really enjoyed reading Dzava’s additional content. Opened up Vision, which I’m hoping to bring into next mapping.
Justin: I observe what Daya brought - people bringing their unique lens. See people naming things in the field, but not sure I see cleanly us naming Samara Trust. Differentiation between Samara Trust and other bodies. I have a sense of differentiation, and then feel how they’re all in the Field, therefore in the Trust too - kinda.
Tyler: See that most people strayed away from measurable mission - Justin had it, naming ‘establishing first heArt Source Library’ but that can still be quite vague.
Alicia: Will need more time. Like to do a deep observation of themes, coincidences, etc.
Ask of Alicia from Tyler: You up for taking responsibility of crafting homework submission for tomorrow?
Maybe, I’ll want some support however.
Tyler and Justin offered to support - Alicia accepted

No objections to Alicia holding responsibility for submitting Mission Homework tomorrow.

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