Manual of We in Trust

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Samara Trust Policies, Elections, and Collective Agreements.

🤝 Adoption of Financial Prosperity Pool Claim Process Policy - 2022/8/24

Originally adopted 2022/8/24 by consent of Tyler, Alicia, Trent, Daya, Kath (5 of 7 members present)
Policy Summary:
Any Samara Trust Member can claim up to 50% of the funds in the Financial Prosperity Pool, after completion of the following 4 steps:
Documentation of the intention to claim funds (aka proposal)
Public announcement of their intention to claim funds (aka proposal)
Directly requesting & receiving feedback from at least 3 other Members of Samara Trust
Receiving documented support from at least 3 other Members of Samara Trust on their final proposal version
Supporting Infrastructure:
(Telegram Group)
, including comments, meeting notes, and zoom chat transcript. (Google Doc)

🤝 Adoption of Ecstatic Learner as a Membership Layer of Samara Trust - Amended 2022/8/10

Originally adopted 2022/8/3 by consent of Tyler, Justin, Trent, Kath, Alicia*
*Alicia chose to abstain from offering a response in the consent round.
Tyler, Justin, Trent, Kath opted-in (self-elected) to Ecstatic Learner Membership
Amended 2022/8/10 by consent of Tyler, Alicia, Justin, Daya
Tyler, Justin, Daya re-affirmed opt-in to Ecstatic Learner
Daya & Alicia opted-in to Ecstatic Learner Membership
Policy Language:
Archetype: Ecstatic Learners - Community
Aim: Follow your bliss through your drive for regenerative learning, personal development, and heart expansion.
Membership begins with a simple opt-in to Samara Trust content engagement.
This could occur through:
experiencing a Multi-Dimensional HeArt Story
subscribing to content
attending a public Space provided by Samara Trust.
Follow your heart’s curiosity.
Ecstatic Learners can opt-in to directing value towards their values by donating, paid subscriptions, and purchasing art and NFTs.
Any and all content shared in any social channels of the heART Source “Library” of Samara Trust
Samara Trust Calendars and Schedules with an Invitation to Opt-In to any open or public call

✅ Election of Tyler as Samara Trust Treasurer - 2022/7/27

Vote of 6 Members (Dzava, Justin, Daya, Alicia, Kath, Tyler)
Role definition to be developed via Tyler raising consensus

What do we mean when we relate to policies? Tyler is considering ‘Policy a type of Infrastructure that hold Protocols that guide individual and collective operations.’

🤝 Adoption of Financial Prosperity Pool Ledger - 2022/7/27

Consensus of 6 Members (Dzava, Justin, Daya, Alicia, Kath, Tyler)
The Table is Samara Trust’s official ledger of the financial aspect of Samara Trust’s Prosperity Pool and is a valid record of the financial transactions recorded to date, acknowledging it may be missing information that can be added in.

🤝 Official Membership Recognition & Founding of Samara Trust - 2022/_/_

We recognize each other (Alicia, Kath, Daya, Justin, Tyler, Trent, Dzava) as the seven founding members of Samara Trust.
Note: Needs rewording +Date + Recording links
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