Manual of We in Trust

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(OLD) Requesting Our Prosperity Pool's Dollars

The Proposal Form below is created with the intention to allow Samara Trust Members to access funds from the Financial Ledger aka Our Prosperity Pool’s Dollars in a structured and transparent way.

How to engage with this form and share your proposal with us-all in Samara Trust?

Kath commits to practice the following, and invites us-all to experiment with this and other ways of accessing our Prosperity Pool’s Dollars:
Fill out the form below as best as you can, refer to previous proposals for guidance. Have a play with naming your need, and why you feel the Prosperity Pool’s Dollars you are requesting add value to our collective learning.
Once you have submitted your form (no matter how incomplete complete it is) please share/announce your request in Telegram and/or Hylo:
Telegram: Playing and Dancing in Trust Group
Hylo: Click on Create (upper left corner) to recreate a Request (2nd option)
Sharing our requests in Hylo allows us to engage with it asynchronous, given that not all of us can be present in synchronous spaces at times.
Here is where we can ask and answer clarifying questions and/or share rapid responses, if we choose to.
3. Bring your Proposal to the next Practicing Governance session aka Practicing in Samara Trust for a decision making process or name other ways of how, where, and when you seek a decision to be made.

🙋🏼Proposal for Requesting Prosperity Pool's Dollars

Please use this form to request Prosperity Pool’s Dollars. If the form below doesn’t show or is being silly, please use the .
Submitted Requests
🧮 Requesting Funds for Synergistic Accounting Workshop
Dear Samara Trust, I kindly ask you to place your wholehearted trust in Kath’s explorations into Synergistic Accounting towards a Syntropic Wellness Economy. 💞🤓
Buckminster Fuller 12 Degrees of Freedom in Jitterbug.png
Seeking funding for the 1st small setup of Safe Haven's 1st phase mushroom growing
Amount 1200.00 usd. To initiate 1st mushroom growing phase of the Safe Haven Project. Amount pays for education: (GrowCycle Course) and building +materials costs. Support will come into form both monetarily and non-financial. At future points deposits beyond the original funding amounts provided, can replenish the pool. Non-material additions: include mushroom education/ learning from a functioning model, internships, residency offers, retreat opportunities and more.
The funding will cover the GrowCycle Course plus building/ materials costs. This will allow the project to begin and start operations. This phase is a solo journey of self education along side all that is involved with setups and physical labor. My intentions are that through this process of beginning at the smallest scale of growing I'm able to market and to sell. To create client base with local chefs and in receiving revenue be able to keep scaling up into reaching a full size mushroom farm operation. I feel this is RTB for many reasons. The two strongest would be: For inclusivity of community & The commercial ways of mushroom growing are toxic and far from eco friendly. I will be building community with each step along the way. Offering education, workshops, tours, internships, social celebration gatherings and more as time goes on. Ultimately bringing the awareness back of joining together in nature centric ways that replenish the earth and the people. Offering of a whole-some unity project to emerge and to immerse into, that is currently not existing here. As more doors of learning and opportunities open to them an expansion into the next phases of the S. H. Project can begin to materialize.
The time line begins now August 2022. Ashland Oregon. Payment in usd. Deadline: early Sept. 2022. Intentions: Start building setup and ordering mushroom spawn in order to begin grow by early Sept. 2022. Need: To purchase all necessary items, to have everything built and ready to meet growing start time. Growing mushroom crops depends on proper environment (right temperatures and humidity levels), meeting the timeline is relevant and important for managing of expectations.
Ask is to receive 1,200.00 usd from Samara Trust prosperity pool dollars for purchase of the GrowCycle Mushroom Growing Course plus building/ materials costs.
Taking a Deep Dive into Love
Max of $250 per Member
An open invitation for all members to access PP funds so to take a journey into The Gene Keys Venus Sequence in the right way for themselves.
*found in doc*
Partial Funding of Huddlecraft Host Fellowship
I’m requesting 937.50GBP to cover the next three payments of the 3750GBP tuition for the 2022-2023 Huddlecraft Host Fellowship. I’m requesting as an Ecstatic Learner and to further Samara Sanctuary Studios (S³) in harmony with Samara Trust.
I have been paying via Wise with payments due on the 24th of every month. I can make these payments or Tyler, as Treasurer, can make them. I can give any additional information needed, as it arises. Much of this has been answered above, I think.
Partial Funding of Tuition of 2022- 2024 Huddlecraft Host Fellowship V2.0
As an Ecstatic Learner and Founding Member of Samara Trust, I am requesting 937.50 Global British Pounds to cover three months (312.50 GBP) of the 12 months (total of 3750 GBP) of tuition payment for the 2022-2024 Huddlecraft Host Fellowship. I, and Samara’s Sanctuary Studio, were accepted Fall 2022 and actively crafting our Huddle with the training, tools, and team of Huddlecraft and the Host Fellowship, with an intention to launch Fall/Spring Equinox 2023.
I am requesting to claim these funds from the Samara Trust Prosperity Pool because I believe that the Huddlecraft Host Fellowship is an aligned and ideal learning journey to invest in, based on the history of Samara Trust and the work of Samara’s Sanctuary Studio. Through this Huddlecraft Fellowship, we are being supported in Hosting a 6-month peer2peer learning journey online that prototyping a new way of working that harmoniously honors the individual, provides for its community, and serves humanity. Our Huddle is uniquely integrating the Delta Program and Web3 element that continues our work off generating a Harmonic Human Organization. The ability to receive this funding will allow for a financial bridge for paying the installments on the Fellowship program, until I began to receive funds from the participants in the next 1 to three months. In the following sections, I will share information on: The Huddlecraft Host Fellowship, the support and infrastructure it is providing, Samara’s Sanctuary Studio’s Huddle, and its relationship with Samara Trust (intentions).
How does it work grey.jpg
What Is A Huddle Formatted.png
Coda Reimbursement + 12 Months More of Editing
$42.40 of historical charges + $152.64 of 12 months more of charges to allow edit access.
Coda documentation and organization has historically - and can continue to - support our learning, sensemaking/storytelling, financial prosperity, and joyful remembering.
$42.40 of historical charges (Feb, Mar, April, May 2023) + $152.64 ($12.72*12 months for June 2023-May 2024). Tyler intends to check in with Trust in May 2024 to inquire into frequency of use and perception of value of continuing subscription.
This is just one of many ways of how to practice requesting funds. This might feel cumbersome, and maybe entropic to some extend. Yes, I agree! I relate to it as a starting point to collectively learn from and find a right true and beautiful ways, which I see as being of value for us moving towards two possibilities, our Treasurer Tyler has named during our first Practicing Governance Session.
Possibility: Establishing Information Technology - A Transparent Public Ledger of Financial Movement that is Accessible and Editable by Samara Trust Members
Space: Samara Trust Practicing

Possibility: Policy that Eases Collectively Governed Financial Movement
Space: Samara Trust Practicing

TBE - to be evolved..
with love,
Kath 🐝
Creation Date:
Keeping this original form here to not loose Tyler’s comments.
🙋🏼Proposal for Requesting Prosperity Pool's Dollars
What's your name?
How would you name your proposal? (Please add a Version #)
Please state briefly what the funds you are requesting are for.
Framing: In a sentence or two, name the exact amount of Prosperity Pool's Dollars you are requesting; from which membership layer you are requesting funds; what you are intending to use the funds for.
Please check the current balance of our Prosperity Pool's Dollars to inform your request.
Advocating: Tell us why you feel this is a right, true, and beautiful dedication of funds, including how it can support our collective prosperity.
Please share a bit more what it is you'll do with the funds, why you feel it is RTB, and what your intentions are.
Illustrating: In a few bullet points name logistical aspects, commitments, and needs.
Please share relevant budget breakdown, dates, locations, payment options, deadlines, details on intentions, and needs to inform and manage expectations.
Informing: This is the place where you can share additional information.
Please share a link, if available where can access background information that feels relevant to you.
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