Multidimensional heART Stories

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Journeying into Our Ethos

heART Gift by Alicia in Samara Trust Journeying Spring-Autumn Equinox 22.jpg
heART by Alicia in Samara Trust 💜
For this week’s Journeying, Justin took us on a beautiful and truly heart-led exploration into Our Ethos.
I want to invite you to join us as we listen, lead and learn with love, and dance with our awareness based practices to bring us into relationship with the energy of Our Ethos. 💞
Justin welcomed us to this exploration by tuning into the Gene Keys Pulse. Please listen to their gentle heart voice reading the World Theme for this week (March 19th 2022 - March 24th 2022) from by Richard Rudd.
The path from Constriction through the gift of Acceptance to Universal Love.
Before we start dancing, I want to share the joy I feel in my heart for you to meet the beautiful and mystic dzava, and the incredibly loving wuwei wisdom women Lady Daya and Alicia. 💗
Let’s dance! Please watch the 1 hour 32 min grain story and immerse yourself into the Multidimensional heART Space we were holding to explore:
Ethos Circles
Awareness based practices
Archetype of Ecstatic Learners
To bring more context around the magnitude of an Ethos Circle, Justin invited us to the beauty they can see. Watch the 18 min grain story to enjoy the living wisdom they shared.
Like a listening circle, an ethos circle has the capacity to allow for a type of listening that isn't just bound to the space itself. But the concept is meant to bring you into relationship with the energy or the entity that you are here to help bring into form; and to do so as a continuous practice of organizing and building. So it goes beyond the circle, but it happens in the context of circle and ceremony.
~ Justin The Shaman 🙏🏼
Following Dzava’s truly loving inquiry to explore our awareness based practices more deeply, we gained more collective clarity from our embodied experience of regenerative listening, leading, and learning; how it all starts with the archetype of Ecstatic Learners; what bliss and ease has to do with. Please join us on this discovery through this 22 min grain story.
My heart was dancing when I heard ‘Ecstatic Learners cultivate a deep love of learning!’ because this is very right, true, and beautiful for me, as I relate to every experience I have as an inspiration. There is always, always something to learn for me with every breath I take.
I could also feel Dzava’s embodied experience of ecstatic learning: Ecstasy builds the synarchy. Synarchy can only be channeled effortlessness when the gift arises effortlessly; otherwise the level of effort is the level of distortion. And ecstasy is not synthetic ecstasy, it is not excitement of being heard or sharing. It is mundane. 💗
If you are hearing a call to learn more about this mundane and honest form of ecstasy that comes from deep within our inner space, I can recommend the YouTube Reading Series ‘The Ecstasy of the Senses’ by Richard Rudd. The is a beautiful episode to dip your toe in.
I feel deeply connected to Walt Whitman and share Richard Rudd’s excitement about the beautiful wisdom he left for us to enjoy. Here are some of the artifacts of Walt Whitman that I hold close to my heart:
‘Foster a youthful, light and ecstatic spirit of pioneers, rebels, dreamers.’
Life is about Love. Love gives us stability, purpose, and direction.’
‘ a civilization on love and freedom.’
‘Ecstatics don’t try, they embody the collective uprising.’
Our nourishing conversing led us to The 7 Layered DIP (Delta Integral Process) and Justin surfacing Synarchy, as the Delta Integral Process is layered horizontally and vertically. Tune into the 9 min video highlight.
Since the word Synarchy is living wisdom, I’d like to invite the sharing of Richard Rudd one last time for today. At the recent Business as a Force for Good’ conference by Growmotely, he invited us into his understanding of the word Synarchy. The dialogue starts at .
In a nutshell: Hierarchy is vertical. Synergy is horizontal (heterarchy), this is where creativity is given freedom to explore itself, but heterarchy doesn't have enough energy to organise itself. Synergy doesn't always know where to go, because there are so many options, and this is when hierarchy comes in. To find order in a practical way you need hierarchy.
Transcending is happening when synergy and hierarchy work in harmony, which is synarchy. ✨
At the very end (actually after I left) Alicia and Dzava called for some school reading: The Little Prince. 🌹
If you feel called to support our 13 Moon Journey, please head over to the gitcoin community today and. And please join us in one of our Multidimensional heART Spaces:. 🌺
With love from my heart to yours,
Kath 💚
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