Voyage of Reconnecting

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Holding emergence of the future with the guiding power of the Hare Moon

The Future Festival was the first In-Real-Life (IRL) gathering I attended since I arrived in Germany. And while I was super excited to meet other passionate Germans who try to create a better future, I had no expectations, only the willingness to wholeheartedly immerse myself in the experience.
The guiding question for the festival was:
Was macht das Neue gut?
How can the new be good?
All I know is there is no ONE answer to this question, just like there is no ONE Zukunftsbild vision of the future, nor is there ONE truth!
I felt Buckminster Fuller's presence gently breezing across the campus, whispering into my ear: Kath remember, Unity is plural and at minimum two.
The gifts I received are also plural: Countless, multi-dimensional, many I cannot put in words but can only embody them.
This 4 min After Movie captures our collective experience beautifully, if needed you can put on English subtitles.

The night of the first day, we were sitting around campfires, enjoying fire-side chats while the Full Moon was illuminating the night sky and the rabbits, calling the Campus of the Leuphana University their home, were staying up late, chasing each other through the gardens around us.
I am smiling as I learn now that the Full Moon in May is called Hare Moon in many ancient cultures and that the hare symbolizes regeneration, fertility, and magic; German sources write about the power of the hare totem to be associated with re-balancing sensitivity and comfort. 🐇
The significance of this moment is sinking into my bones only now with the presence of the New Moon.

Courage and the Compass

Earlier that day, when the 40 of us got to know one another, there was a moment when I showed some newfound courage: An urge to interfere was rising from deep inside me when the group was settling into dynamics of perceived comfort, something I now would describe as an unconscious, collective conditioning aided to overcome the discomfort of staying in awkward silence with one another.
Let me try to bring you into the settings of this experience because I feel it was such a beautiful mirror of our dance as a collective: The exercise was to position ourselves one by one on a compass on the floor, which was without indicators of the four directions: East, South, West, or North. Instead, it only had an arrow towards one direction which one of the first participants who stepped into the compass interpreted as North and positioned himself there. Someone else brought the importance of the We - a sense of belonging and relationality - with her, and she stepped into the West.
The group quickly adopted the dynamics of going around clockwise in a circle. It seemed to me everyone got cozy with the flow, while I was blatantly aware that we unconsciously killed the beauty of emergence. So, I tried to stay tuned into the emergence and stepped into the compass when I felt it was my turn, disrupting the perceived collective comfort.
When I spoke up, I witnessed my voice being firmer and louder than usual and suddenly shaky when all eyes were on me; some carried curiosity, and others felt utterly disturbed. All I heard was my mind saying to my heart: You got this girl!
There I was, walking to the East of the compass while speaking to the importance of the inner landscape, naming that any change We want to see in the world has to start from within each of us, guided by the magnificent power of the heart for it to be nachhaltig sustainable. I was shocked by my actions and simultaneously proud of my message. ❤️‍🔥
Interestingly after my interference, the group settled back to the cozy clockwise condition until everyone placed themselves into the compass. However, what happened next was beyond anything I could have imagined: Now that everyone was inside the compass, we were asked to reposition ourselves; and the participant who represented the We came to the East to invite me to step into the center of the compass. First reluctantly but then more than willingly, I moved with her into the center. The I accepted the invitation of The We, and together we embodied the heart of the matter. 🧭
It was an experience where I was fully present to the energy in the room and intentionally broke the coziness in service of synarchy. It might sound small, and perhaps it is in the grand scheme of things, but for me, it was stepping into the heart-centered leader I am called to be.
To lead from the heart, I need to slow down, give myself space for honest self-reflection, and trust my intuition. None of this is new to me, yet the constellations I experience My Self in are. I often don’t know why I do what I do, meaning my mind cannot make sense of my actions and experiences. My mind found peace in not knowing, which allows me to spend my energy on bringing a whole body awareness to what I experience.

Gravitating towards Love

We enjoyed the remainder of the festival in small groups. Our task was to create and present a Zukunftsbild, an image of the future. I felt a dissonance with the idea of describing this one future as this glorious world we all might live in if we just try hard enough to imagine it. I could not step into this energy field of this collective escape in which we assure ourselves that we will be alright.
Instead of describing the future as One Zukunftsbild, the other marvelous humans in my group and I did appreciate the power of NOW. We explored the outer and inner realms, the balance of yin and yang, and the infinite power of love. My fellow heart adventurer presented our discourse as part of a Poetry Recording at the Award Ceremony in front of 1,000 people. See her right, true, and beautiful words in the collage below.
Collage Zukunftsfestival 2023.png
Deepl helped me translate their heART into English. The photos are snapshots taken by me.
Past Kath would have put all this in the bucket of what a lovely coincidence. Present Kath, however, appreciates the power of her presence and the influence of her compassionate voice.
You can watch the poetry recording and the ceremony in this video - starts at minute 7:11 with the poetry recording:

Later during the ceremony, the former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin received the Helmut Schmidt Zukunftspreis Award. During her speech, she highlighted the need for us all to unite through our values, one of the many dialogue streams our group engaged in earlier that day. In these moments of synchronicity, I feel heart resonance and the magic of the universe.
I have learned so much from this experience, yet I feel the most pregnant takeaway is the awareness that our actions, thoughts, and emotions right now are all informed by the past and are shaping the future in the present.
The future is our next collective breath. May it be filled with love. 💞
In honour of the rabbit,
Kath 💚
Hearted on the lands I was born to, called Märkisch-Oderland - 50 km East of the river Spree and some 30 km West of the river Oder. I grew up and now live again on the edge of the magnificent Nature Park Märkische Schweiz. I pay respect to my ancestors and the elders of the lands and waterways. I honour past, present and future.
🗺️ Visit to learn more about the ancestors of the lands and waterways where you live, work, and play.
If you feel called to support my explorations and syntropic adventures financially and you have the means to do so, please head over to my Open Collective Page and hit the .
With all my heart I say thank you and share my gratitude by continuing this journey of mine.
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