Manual of We in Trust

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Async Sambas

Practicing Governance - Async Samba

For last three weeks, we’ve begun using our Practicing Space to Practice Governance with focus on updating and self-electing into Membership Layers in Samara Trust. Noting the first week (3 weeks ago), we had our first Nomination Election.

Across all three weeks, there has been an emphasis on working and deciding with those that are present. A design choice that has allowed for us to start this Practicing, build momentum, and prototype facilitative forms for polycentric governance. This design choice has not been inclusive of members that can not attend sync meetings and members that are supported by long spans of time in decision making.
At the end of last week's space, it was decided that we would offer a version of Homeplay that would start building scaffolding ways for async participation in decision making, . For now, we are calling it an Async Samba.
This Async Samba is aiming at:
generating greater access for members to participate in collective decision making in Samara Trust
more equitable distribution of design and decision making authority, in context of our Membership Layers
practicing governance that intentionally designs spaces for asynchronous sense-making and decision making
starting to prototype a hybrid model governance infrastructure that can be a building block for other spaces
learning out loud through this design and facilitation pattern and this participatory process of adopting membership layers
easing amending and self-electing into the Ecstatic Learner Layer and other proposals + policies
That’s kind of the context, so here is the Async Samba to bridge last’s weeks Practicing Governance to this weeks.
Take some time to read over the They are out dated and still a helpful stability/reference point
As you read the different layers, note what comes up in you. What sensations arise in your body? How does your mind or visual field work with each layer? Work with connecting the layers? Work with the membership as whole? Do you feel resonance in some places? Do you feel dissonance in some places? Write down, sketch, or capture anything that you want to be on record.
If helpful, return to the day that we originally read the Field Map together. Listen to you response and see how things have changed, stayed the same, come to fruition, or gone away. Use this to continue to note what comes up in you around the 7 Membership Layers.
Take some time and review Practicing from last week - below is a 52 min long story clipped from the 2hour call - you're encouraged to minimally watch the first clip and the Integrating Perspectives section - be sure to write down and comments or things that come up somewhere they can be shared - like the comments on the Meta-Agreements doc
Once you watched the story or the call there's an invitation to guide yourself through the questions asked of Alicia + Daya and find an RTB way for you to integrate your experience into the Ecstatic Learner Membership Layer, if you choose to
If there any Amendments that you would like to make, please comment them directly on the doc and we will run a Integrative Consent process around them either Practicing, Reflecting, or in a async space.
You can also choose to Self-Elect or Reaffirm your membership into the Ectatic Learner layer, based on the current version of the layer description, by commenting in that section of the doc
Hope this is helpful for all those async members out there - open constructive feedback from those that use this Async Samba on how it can be structured or designed to specifically support you in your experience
Ok bye!
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