GDQuest Help Request Template

Fill out this form and submit it to generate a question your peers could answer. You can copy and paste in any community forum, chat
The Good Question Form
What are you trying to accomplish design-wise in your game?
Describe it in 1-2 sentences. Include your game genre and the mechanic you're trying to accomplish:
What issue are you observing?
Describe it in 1-2 sentences only:
Add a title to your request if the platform requires one
Summarize the first two fields (Goal & Issue) in 7 to 10 words.
Is the debugger returning any error messages in the bottom of your panel of your Godot editor?
Use the "copy error" icon in the debugger and paste the error message in (or other). Enter the link here:
Copy and paste your Code
If it's below 5 lines, you can paste your codeblock here. If it's above 5 lines, paste it in (or other) and enter the link here:
Take a screenshot of your Scene Dock
Upload a screenshot of your Scene Dock on or enter the link here:
Record your running game
If your game runs, use a screen recording or streaming tool to record a short section of your game that showcases your issues. Upload as unlisted video on YouTube (or other) and enter the link here:
Responses won't be saved because this doc is in play modeSubmit

Copy your Post & Paste it in your forum
Trouble moving a 2D sprite up along the y-axix
I have a 2D ship sprite in top view and I would like to move it up. But I’m having trouble with it. The ship is not moving at all.. Can anyone help me figure out what I’m doing wrong or link me to an answer for reference? I’ve looked around but couldn’t find anything.
Here’s copy of the error message I’m getting:
Here’s a copy of my code:
Here’s a screenshot of my scene dock:
And here’s a short video I uploaded of my running game:
There are no rows in this table

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