Easy to access in Zoom meeting
Need to move members to a breakout room
No audit of vote
For multi-candidate races may require multiple rounds of voting
Requires an officer to be familiar with Zoom
Good for informally gauging the mood of the group
For formal votes other methods are preferable
Easy to run in Zoom meeting
Record of vote
Percentages calculated immediately
Need to move non-voting members to a breakout room
For multi-candidate races may require multiple rounds of voting
Requires an officer to be familiar with Zoom
Good for recording a vote at a meeting if only voting members are present in the virtual room
Allows entire membership to vote easily, not just those present at the meeting
Members who share an email address can vote individually
Also supports voting during a Zoom meeting
Supports RCV/IRV, plurality and other voting methods
No cost to the club regardless of the number of members, candidates, or number of endorsement meetings held
Requires an officer to be familiar with survey tools
Best solution for including all the voting members, providing an audit, downloadable ballots, automatically calculating RCV/IRV, and supporting alternative thresholds and ballot formats
Allows entire membership to vote easily, not just those present at the meeting
Members who share an email address can vote individually
Also supports voting during a Zoom meeting
Supports RCV/IRV, plurality and other voting methods
Requires an officer to be familiar with OpaVote tool
$ cost of the tool depends on the number of members and number of candidates for each endoresement meeting.
Provides solution for including all the voting members, providing an audit, downloadable ballots, automatically calculating RCV/IRV, and supporting alternative thresholds and ballot formats
Email voting
Allows entire membership to vote easily, not just those present at the meeting
Most members are familiar with email
Requires an officer to keep track of all the emails sent and received
Most time consuming and prone to error, least preferred