Peeps UA

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Art Flashmob


We are from Ukraine and our main goal is to create!
We are scattered across the country but not broken.
By creating an art on subject of Russian war against Ukraine - we hope to:
- get distracted from constant flow of news and keep sanity
- connect with other artists
- support them and our humanitarian and volunteer organizations
Ukrainian people even in such dark times were able to generate dozen of creative slogans and memes, despite terrible theme.


Ethernet Peeps become UA Peeps:
What: You need to create 2D illustration in the style and specs of Ethernet Peeps using Personalities / Events or Scenes of Ukraine nowadays.
❗ We have organized Miro board with sources, additional reference and style examples:
Resolution: 1024x1024 px (square)
Background/Layers: it’s better to separate Background (we may unify it because of Meta Data)
Quantity: x1 idea per artist
Please, keep in mind current Art Style of the project. We want to keep everything consistent!


Ethernet Peeps is an NFT project created in a time of peace. Test Pre-sale took place in November of the 2021 and in 2022, having improved what needed to be improved, the team was planning to come back with a renewed roadmap and Pay2Earn game .
We have finished and tested all the infrastructure required to create NFT artwork and generated 10,000 illustrations based on 8 traits assembled from over 400 carefully hand-drawn attributes varying in rarity:

our aim is to Mint/Sale all the remaining Illustrations and send raised funds to Artists and Ukrainian humanitarian and volunteer organizations.
As result of this initiative we plan to Randomly Replace x100
of already generated but still to be minted characters with your illustration, creating an NFT with meta data (including your Name and Contact Info):
*we may raise that number depending on number of contestants


We plan to:
direct 80% of the profits to crypto wallets of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Red Cross, and other humanitarian and volunteer organizations.
utilize 10% of the profits for promo activities and the Art Flashmob rewards.
direct 10% of the profits to rebuilding the team that worked on this project and to support their families.

0.07 ETH (~$200) will be sent to Artist’s wallet after Mint/Purchase of his creation.
Means potentially current phase of Art Flashmob fund is ~$20,000
Results of this initiative will highly depend on attention we will be able to gain to that project (we are working 24/7 to make it happen).


💹$1000 will be donated to organization of your choice (by voting) upon joining of 50 artists
We will update roadmap with other activities based on Discord discussion.

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