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Team Retrospectives

Team retrospectives can be like taking a breather during a marathon race! They let the team look back at what they have achieved so far, take stock of where they need to do better, and then go full speed ahead with high fives and new insights on how to make things even better. To top it off, in a hybrid or remote world, retrospectives also help teams bond and communicate in ways that promote deeper collaboration.
There are endless possibilities to spice up your retrospectives, so why stick to the same old boring methods? White boards and sticky notes are clunky and not great for distributed teams and products like TeamRetro or Neatro cost an arm and a leg. With this doc you can:

What can this Doc do?

Run various retrospective schemes
Avoid group think and bias via anonymous voting
Marry unstructured data to actionable next steps

Who is this Doc for?

Hybrid and distributed teams
Facilitators looking for structured set up to hit the ground running

Ready to get started?

Step 1

Facilitators select retrospective schema

Step 2

Provide context and goals to the retro.

Step 3

Start brainstorming with the team.

Step 4

Group common themes

Step 5

Vote on ideas

Step 6

Summarize sentiments and finalize action items

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